Web Comics

He Force Chokes Everyone After the Commercial Break

web comics undercover boss star wars He Force Chokes Everyone After the Commercial Break
Via drunkencatcomics

Oh No, Someone is Using My Mobile Gaming Device as a Mobile Phone

introverts web comics - 8065211904
Via Cyanide and Happiness

Planet of the Face

apes face facebook gorilla social network the internets - 4706191616
See all captions Created by rfvrty

Zooey Deschanel: She Should Have Her Own Meme

celebutard Inception leonardo - 4913228288
Created by beeko101

But How?

web comics halloween But How?
Via Cyanide and Happiness

Not So New Invention

TV cookies - 7099110144
Created by Kumo97

There's No Room There Tho

Via Safely Endangered

Paid for By the Committee for a Safer Middle Earth

crime From the Movies Lord of the Rings mordor - 6378612736
Created by Chewie007

Math Class Gets Leo Pretty Hot and Bothered

Inception math - 4587408640
Created by rfvrty

Tantalizing Data

pr0n - 8465670400

Duck, Donald

Overconfident Alcoholic obama donald trump college politics - 6729143552
Created by Daz_Voz

It's For The Good of America

NSA government sad but true funny spies - 7569260032

The Secret to Immortality

Via Lunar Baboon

Commitment Issues

energy drinks funny web comics - 7903811072
Via Nerd Rage Comic

It's Very Energy Efficient

chun li web comics It's Very Energy Efficient
Via omaketheater

Meanwhile in The Urinary Tract

drama bodies sad but true organs web comics - 8315889920
Via The Awkward Yeti