Web Comics

This is Why SWAT Team Exists

Via The Odd 1s Out

The Sad Truth About Climate Change

environment climate change politics web comics - 8080555008

An Unfortunate Truth About Many Dog People

dogs lies deception Cats web comics - 8316752384
Via Poorly Drawn Lines

Create Drunk, Edit Sober

Via imitationlobster

How to Obtain Happiness

sick truth happiness web comics - 8383301376
Via Good Noose

Good Guy Greg to the Rescue!

comments Good Guy Greg jobs the internets - 5418378752
Created by PrincessWordplay

I Am Gone But My Puns Live On

web comics technology puns I Am Gone But My Puns Live On
Via pondscumcomic
nature violence list fights sad but true web comics - 644101

You Will Learn A Lot About Fighting Via Reading This Collection of Web Comics

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The Monster

computer girlfriends the internets - 6149730816

The Dreaded Friendzone

friendzone sad but true the internets - 5649777408

"Music" by Miley Cyrus

Music miley cyrus funny - 7763680000
Created by MocRocker


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See all captions Created by bigmike67

Sometimes the Best Option Is to Give Up

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Via TheIsmComics

A Scene Cut From The Frankenstein Story

language frankenstein sad but true web comics - 8394037504
Via Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal

This Comic is Really Important

Via notjohncampbell

Hey Now, It's Important to Be Tolerant

kids parenting gay web comics - 8293829632
Via Death Bulge