Web Comics

The Best Advice For Maintaining a Relationship

sad but true relationships web comics - 8256317440
Via Everyday People Cartoons

Has to Be the Saddest Moment in TV History

try not to cry TV futurama dogs - 6900233728
Created by frostatios

Supportive Parents

Via Pie Comics

Hermione Is Impressed

Harry Potter movies hermione genius apple - 6935473920
Created by mcarter4

F**k It, Shortcuts Rock

baking food funny cookies web comics - 8796108032
Via pickledcomics

Damn Creepers...

creeper facebook minecraft social network - 4707216384


babes celebutard From the Movies frustration james bond sex - 3674411776
See all captions Created by Grahambert

It's The Little Things

funny web comics - 7870400512
Via Bad Savage

Art is Punishing

art puns web comics - 8438740480
Via Fowl Language Comics

The First Door That Was Invented

Caveman doors web comics - 8252359680
Via Cheer Up Emo Kid


Darwin history trolling yahoo answers - 4347909120
See all captions Created by 3.14imp

The Sirs Are Coming! The Sirs Are Coming!

sir video games - 5963792384
Created by reid117

Cards Can be Cruel

puns cards funny - 7812062464
Created by JOE-STYLE


From the Movies gandalf Harry Potter school wizards - 3403930112
See all captions Created by kkehoe5

You Should Have Seen My Catch the Other Day!

First World Problems web comics - 8046867968
Via Happy Jar

Spiderman at Home

parenting Spider-Man funny web comics - 7929201664
Via Death In General