Web Comics

Change Your Worries And Fears

fear dreams nice web comics - 8353799424
Via Little Mind Big Mind

Tough Crowd

puns ghosts stand up comedy web comics - 8365518080
Via Robot Yeti

I Feel The Same Way With The 3DS

critters sharks web comics - 8085050368

Pokélaws of Natural Attraction

Via justsayeh

Well It Makes About as Much Sense

science Cats funny schrodingers-cat - 7881365760
Via Unearthed Comics

Obvious Ned Is Obvious

best of week omg TV Winter Is Coming - 5441317888

Just Adorable

russia hello kitty funny - 7756542976
Created by Khadafi

Legolas Armstrong

best of week Lord of The Ring Lord of the Rings - 6422920960

An Issue of Debate

obama politics terrorists the internets wikileaks - 4236649472

I'm So Tired! I've Been Watching for 22 Hours!

america kids marathons TV - 5528977920
Created by mysockhurts

You Won't Believe Who The Last Handful of People Who Seriously Oppose Equality Are

justice gay marriage sad but true web comics - 8431814656
Via Alter Net


nerd the rock - 4604093696

Loki Perry

best of week From the Movies katy perry loki Memes photoshop The Avengers - 6299909376


back to the future boobs celebutard Doc Brown From the Movies katy perry lady gaga michael j fox - 3651066624
See all captions Created by ToughNuts74


high TV weed - 5757109760
Created by deadmeat1492

How Macgyver Lost

web comics - 8357937920
Created by steffenwittig ( Via Steffen Wittig )