Web Comics

For Some People, There Is Only Pale or Sunburnt

web comics sunburn beach For Some People, There Is Only Pale or Sunburnt
Via superstack


dracula edward cullen From the Movies sean connery twilight vampires - 3348805120
See all captions Created by patpayne79

She's Cute, It's Chill Bro...

Via BriarrRose

Meteoric Truth

the truth funny dinosaurs web comics - 7863892992
Via Lunar Baboon

Hips Don't Lie, Man

Via introversecomic

Against The Grain

Pokémon funny - 7773308928
Created by EYEshave

This is How You Create the Next Darth Jar Jar

web comics jar jar binks This is How You Create the Next Darth Jar Jar
Via dodgycomics

Don't You Dare Leave Your House Without Considering These Invaluable Summer Fashion Tips!

Via deathbulge

Pillow Philosophies

life pillows web comics - 8599106560
Created by wiscwisc ( Via consolia-comic )

I Got to the Vote Page One Time

frontpage lolz Overconfident Alcoholic self referential - 6594461184
See all captions Created by funbuns

Upstanding Member of Society

in this economy sad but true web comics - 8420072704
Via Slug Nuts

It's Just an Adorable Coincidence

web comics cats rain It's Just an Adorable Coincidence
Via mrlovenstein

Yea, That Almost Sounds Fun!

web comics work Yea, That Almost Sounds Fun!
Via mandatoryrollercoaster

Brace For Impact

data if you know what i mean Star Trek TV - 6231561984
Created by bass4grace

Nah, He Already Made Fun of My Profile Pic Once

web comics facebook witty comebacks Nah, He Already Made Fun of My Profile Pic Once
Via maximumble

The Decline of Civilization is Nigh

civilization drinks chips web comics - 8293988608
Via The Doghouse Diaries