
Music virtual reality video games win - 81043201

Virtual Reality Game Lets You Punch Your Favorite Songs in the Face


All Our Lives Would Probably Be Improved If We Could Game with Water Interfaces


Guy Draws Comics for a Hobby, Tweets About Loving Overwatch, and Xbox Responds to Him in the Best Way Possible

cosplay video games win - 839685

Dragon Age Cosplay Embraces Spontaneity, Gets Hammered with a Reckless Abandon, and Things Get Steamy

photoshop battle norman reedus

The Internet's Having a Field Day Photoshopping Norman Reedus Holding Random Sh*t in Hideo Kojima's Latest Game

doom Video Game Coverage seinfeld video games win - 80896001

After 100 Hours of Work, Guy Successfully Recreates Jerry Seinfeld's Apartment in Classic DOOM


Korean Woman so Good at Overwatch That a Couple Pro Gamers Said They'd Quit If She Wasn't Cheating, and Now the Two Are Outta the Game

When Your Batteries Last Just Long Enough to Get Win & PoTG and (Overwatch)

Video Game Coverage video games win - 80870657

That Moment When You Find out Joe Rogan's a Badass Who Payed $10,000 a Month for T1 Line to Play Quake

steam sad but true video games funny win - 834821

Guy Imagines Posters For Honest Steam Greenlight Games and They're Painfully Accurate

trolling awesome dark souls video games video game logic dark souls 3 win - 80825345

Clever Guy Playing Dark Souls 3 Hides in Plain Sight from an Invader Better than a Bat in a Cave

trailers link Video Game Coverage legend of zelda video games zelda Video nintendo win - 832005

Players Are Already Decoding the Hylian Alphabet Seen in the Trailer for Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild


Steampunk-Esque Prosthetic Arm Can Draw Tattoos and Looks Like Something You'd Use in BioShock

metal gear solid prosthetic video games IRL video games Video win - 80651009

Square Enix Partners with Acclaimed Prosthetics Creator 'Open Bionics' to Create Version of Prosthetic Hand Adam Jensen Uses in Deus Ex

epic Video Game Coverage video games Skyrim win - 80581633

Guy Defies the Impossible and Plays Skyrim with a Potato, Cause Why Not?


Guy Creates Amazing 3D Sculpts of His Favorite Characters, and Based off These He Should Probably Make It a Full-Time Job