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Watch the Pokémon Generations Trailer and Gain New Insights on Timeless Moments from Iconic Moments in the Games

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New Heroes of the Storm Bundle Adds Overwatch's Zarya and Starcraft's Alarak to the Game

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Four New Pokémon Revealed in Latest Pokémon Sun and Moon Trailer

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Watch the Official Trailer for KINGSGLAIVE FINAL FANTASY XV

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Watch Batman - The Telltale Series World Premiere Trailer

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Players Are Already Decoding the Hylian Alphabet Seen in the Trailer for Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

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The New Trailer for Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands Is Here, but the Narrator Kind of Sounds Like a Redneck Pedophile

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Arguably Still the Best Gaming Commercial of All Time

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Somebody Remade the Warcraft Movie Trailer in World of Warcraft, and It's Mind-Numbingly Perfect

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The World of Warcraft Movie Hype Kicks Into Overdrive With These Four New Clips

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Some Savior Re-Edited the Assassin's Creed Movie Trailer With the Game's Official Soundtrack, and It's Epic

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The Assassin's Creed Movie Trailer Is Here, and It LOOKS Good

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This Unexpected, Notably Brilliant Mashup Brings Together Spongebob Squarepants and the Battlefield 1 Trailer

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Watch the Sneak Peek for the Legend of Zelda Hong Kong Crime Drama That Launches Tomorrow

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Watch the Suicide Squad Trailer Recreated in Fallout 4

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Star Fox Gets an Anime Makeover in This Video From the Makers of 'Ghost in the Shell'

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