
Dating is a tricky place. Whether it's online, blind, or a witty pick up line at the bar, the ways to start that dance are nearly endless. Unfortunately, some people still don't manage to navigate its nuances, and end up a lesson what not to do.

Girlfriend gets fed up with boyfriend's incessant gaming | AITA telling my BF if he doesnt go work, hes no longer using ANYTHING mine (including my car AND wifi Not hole 28f/29m been together like 4 years think love this guy death but say he is lazy is seriously huge fucking understatement and doesnt even shed an ounce light on actual problem. Hes also gaming junkie-like worst their kind example game is being released, he waits up until midnight purchase game (no matter expensive) and will binge

Girlfriend Gets Fed Up With Boyfriend's Gaming, Cuts Him Off

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Dude Pairs His Pokémon GO Collection With Fitting Names for His Girlfriend

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Dude Leaves Mortal Kombat-Themed Sex Advice to Neighbors That Keep Bothering Him With Loud Sex

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People Are Losing Their Minds on Twitter Right Now Over This Bizarre Dating Simulator Called, 'My Horse Prince'

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Guy Chooses Destiny Video Game Over Hanging out with Girlfriend, and Dodges the 'Crazy Bullet' in the Process

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Pokémon GO! Has Been out Less than a Month, and It's Already Inspired Dating Apps Like These

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Pokémon GO Helps Girl Catch Cheating Boyfriend

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Finish Her!

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Guy Proposes to Girlfriend Using Super Mario Bros. And He Definitely Deserves All the Gold Coins Now


She's the One, Man

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How Zelda Responds When Caught Cheating on You...


This Dating Sim Draws Upon the Darkest of Souls


What They're Really Talking About


When She Wanna Check out the Pad

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As Soon as VR Becomes Widely Available, You Won't Need That Pesky Significant Other Anymore

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Women Hate Online Dating Because Dudes are Basically Like Navi

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