

Funny Memes, Dank Memes, History Memes, Educational Memes | about 3.8 billion years ago, after earth cooled and first oceans formed first prokaryotes. are guys paying attention don't want any doze off and then just make up some shit about snakes and ribs | Feudalism Count Votes

28 Delightfully Clever Memes For History Buffs

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Funny memes about Slavic people, Eastern Europe | Everyone: 90's were best years our lives, everything better Ex Yugo kids: conceited reaction pursing lips | the joker movie My brother saying suka blyat waiter Russian restaurant who told him meant thank Russian

Forty-Seven Slavic Memes Straight From Eastern Europe

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Funny memes about the Balkans/former Yugoslavia

Seventeen Balkan Memes For The Southeastern Slavs

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Funny dank memes about Balkans

South Slavic Memes That Serve Up Very Specific Humor (50 Images)

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