

millennials trending on tiktok, watch viral videos

15 Viral TikTok Videos That Millennials Will Lose It To

Millennials are getting so nostalgic on TikTok they're actually taking it over. The hashtag #millennials is currently trending on the app and videos reminiscing on the early 2000s or calling out millennial culture are going viral left and right. Remember your first iPod shuffle? Dial-up internet? The Backstreet Boys? Even fashion trends from the early 2000s like “twee” are blowing up all over TikTok. If you're a millennial and are on TikTok right now, you're going to have a lot of emotions toda…
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Funny and relatable memes for millennials and xennials | Marina Ayano K @even_kei Kids these days will never know hardships each week having overcook fresh hardboiled egg yolk computer mouse | My answer whenever someone asks old l am ONCE ON TELEPHONE WITH BLOCKBUSTER VIDEO

Relatable Memes For Aging Millenials And Xennials

We see you.
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