


25+ Memes to Text Your Bestie That Are Never Just ‘wyd’

It's always 'wyd' and never 'ihtmmylauhsyatm' (I hope these memes make you laugh and understand how special you are to me).
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Snacks Are Life

Text conversation where guy asks girl what she's doing, girl responds "eating chips"
Via VB6ftw

It's A Harsh Reality

The "I'm not interested starter pack" above screenshots of people sending messages like "maybe" and "niiiice"
Via anlyin

I Ain't No Liar

Text conversation where someone asks what the other person is doing, person replies that they're signing some paperwork; person 1 pulls up a GPS of person 2 appearing to be underwater off of a coast, and person 2 replies with a pic of them underwater and signing some paperwork
Via PutridDetail

Why Is This So Hard?

Caption that reads, "When you're drunk AF trynna send a 'WYD' text" above a pic of Vegita from Dragon Ball Z appearing to text with one eye closed
Via CrotalusScutulatus