
wtf stories

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Stingy Friend Venmo Requests for a $1 Muffin

don't be that friend
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WTF stories from Twitter thread

WTF Anecdotes Both Serendipitous and Scary

Most people have at least one story they can tell that will freak people the f*** out. Sometimes they're wholesome moments of coincidence - like those people who realize they were photographed years ago at the beach at the same time and in the same place as their significant other . Sometimes the tales are terrifying. That's how a former coworker was able to convince me that ghosts are real. My party trick of a tale involves meeting and chatting with Keanu Reeves the first time I got stoned. Le…
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creepy dating stories with women

Guys Share Signs That A Woman Is Creepy

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adoption story of Heather on Twitter

Woman Tweets Completely Surreal Story About Her Adoption

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public transportation horror stories

19 Horrifying Public Transit Stories That Are Sure To Make Your Skin Crawl

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