
wtf food

humor twitter wtf jokes wtf food gross lol tweets food hear-me-out funny foodies - 20291077

'Hear Me Out': People Share Their Most Controversial Food Preferences

As someone who loves food, there are certain combinations that shake me to my core. Pineapple on pizza , surprisingly, is not one of them. Banana on pizza, as they enjoy in Sweden, is another story altogether. While I recoil at that abomination, like I do any at any absurdly cheesy fish dish, there are certain things I enjoy that might make someone else cry out in horror. My affection for cottage cheese topped with salsa definitely falls into that category. I may be alone in terms of that guilt…
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cringey food wtf wtf food gross cringe food eating cringeworthy - 20278533

The Cringiest Food Posts We Saw On Our Feeds This Week (April 25, 2023)

Food. We all know we need it to survive, but for us humans, eating has become a whole lot more than just a necessity. Instead, it's shifted from survival to become an experience of shared joy, from snapping pics of our meals for the 'gram to whipping up a feast for our loved ones. But let's be real, sometimes our food choices can be downright gross. I'm talking about those food trends that make you want to gag, or that one friend who insists on putting pineapple on their pizza. And don't even g…
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cringey food humor wtf pizza wtf food gross cringe nasty lol food funny-food - 20178949

The Cringiest Food Posts We Saw On Our Feeds This Week (April 18, 2023)

It's true that everyone needs to eat to survive. But, as many have noted before us, there are people who eat to live, and then there are the people who live to eat. People like me. In recent years it seems as though a third kind of person has popped up: someone who eats - or cooks - to watch the world burn. You see, these sorts of people are the ones making cringey food , well, a thing. Before the age of TikTok or Reddit, crimes against food were largely private. Now they're everywhere, being m…
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yikes cringey wtf wtf food gross cringe social media gross food food cringeworthy tiktok - 20088837

The Cringiest Food Posts We Saw On Our Feeds This Week (April 11, 2023)

Food is a powerful thing. It nourishes us, brings us together as family and friends, and sometimes even inspires us. Food is often treated as art, and chefs are treated like artists. Food also has the power to make us happy , whether it's a bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich while hungover, or a big spoonful of ice cream when you've had an especially oppressive day. Lately, however, we've been marveling at the way food can also make us angry. In fact, it can make us straight-up furious. It's true…
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yikes tiktok cringe wtf wtf food cringe recipes bad food food no cringeworthy tiktok - 19786245

The Worst Food TikToks to Poison Our Feeds This Week (March 24, 2023)

Some people simply cannot be trusted with food. I'm not talking about my mom, either. Even with her negligible cooking skills, I know she would never do anything wasteful or disrespectful to food that should be eaten. The same does not go for people on TikTok, Instagram or Facebook. Over the past year food abominations have become even more prevalent. The desperation for engagement and attention has unleashed some seriously sad culinary creations into the Internet. To put it frankly, our feeds…
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humor cringey wtf wtf food gross cringe pasta horrifying lol italian food funny cringey videos tiktok - 19801605

TikTokers Horrify Foodies of Twitter With Unhinged Pasta 'Recipe'

We've said it before, and we'll say it again: People need to stop falling for engagement-baiting food videos. If you think you don't know what we're talking about, I'm sorry, but yes you do. We're referring to those videos where some heavily made-up housewife slathers her kitchen island with nacho cheese as some sort of entertainment hack. We're talking about the bastardization of Italian recipes, and people pouring cheese over things that have no business being so lactose-ified. Unfortunately,…
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man is going viral for biting into a full bread bowl, causing debate on the correct way of eating it

Man Goes Viral After Ruthlessly Biting Into His Bread Bowl Full of Soup, Causing Controversy on the Correct Eating Technique

Do you eat the soup first and then eat the bread after the soup is finished and it's soaked up all the flavors? Or, if it's a creamy soup, do you just go straight for the chomp to get an instant flavor combo of bread and soup? TikTok debates.
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