

You Have Time to Talk If You Wake Up Earlier

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Via eruditebaboon

Gives Me Nightmares

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Via gocomics

Nature's Twisted Fate

Via Poorly Drawn Lines

Inchworms on Google

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Created by tamaleknight

What Worms Do When It Rains

Via The Awkward Yeti

Meal Worms, Yum!!

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Via GIFak Net

So That's What Sex Looks Like

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Created by anselmbe

Are There Transdimensional Worms in That Apple?

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Created by anselmbe

Wait, I Don't Have Any Arms or Legs!

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Created by tamaleknight

Worm Eating Worm

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Created by anselmbe

Frog TV

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Damn Nature, You Scary

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Created by anselmbe

The Dance of Death

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Via The Awkward Yeti

Better Than a Slime Snake

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Via Art JCF

Tiny Little Faces

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Created by Falsename

The Best Way to Make One Shot Count

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Created by Jo-Zeeworm ( Via Jo-Zeeworm )