
A Reddit thread discussing how poor PTO in the United States is

Frustrated Workers Discuss The Dismal State of Paid Time Off in America

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People Discuss Times They Hated Someone From The Moment They Met Them

antiwork workplace Horrible Bosses boss coworkers employment - 17031941

Boss Tells Employee That "A Pat On the Back" is Better Than Being Paid For Overtime

reviews antiwork employee toxic-workplace revenge petty revenge employer workplace Horrible Bosses glass door Memes job interview interview - 17781253

'My review comes up a lot in their interview process': Worker's Glassdoor review causes trouble for previous employer

Worker Quits After Greedy Company Denies Them a Promised Raise, Costs Company a $3 Million Client

Worker Quits After Greedy Company Denies Them a Promised Raise, Costs Company a $3 Million Client

Service Industry Workers Are Sharing the Different Worlds That Are the Back of House vs the Front of House

Service Industry Workers Share the Different Worlds of Back of House and Front of House

'Do your job': Karen boss tries to sabatoge overworked and underpaid employee, they stop doing her job for her

'Sure, I'll do MY job': Karen boss tries to sabatoge overworked and underpaid employee, they stop doing her job for her

malicious compliance workplace - 16441605

Employee Gives Up Lunch Break to Help Out, Boss Tells Them They Can't Eat While Working

'I can’t afford to pay them': Employee fired and asked to repay $1,100 to employer

'I can’t afford to pay them': Employee fired and asked to repay $1,100 to employer

Reddit thread about a Dastardly Boss Banning Cashiers From Drinking Water On The Job

Dastardly Boss Bans Cashiers From Drinking Water On The Job

antiwork good-boss boss employee manager workplace - 17038085

Good Guy Employer Gives Unexpected Raises to Match Salaries of New Hires, Internet Applauds

workplace Horrible Bosses employee employment antiwork - 17366789

Guy Gives Notice to Job, Company Revokes All PTO

“I’m in touch with somebody else that works here, I don’t need your help” “OK” | He was just too good for me to talk to him. He thought he was better than me. So I decided not to ever look at him or deal with him again.

'I’m in touch with somebody else': Guy too good for event worker's credential help, gets to wait for ages instead

Well then... | "Breaks and lunches will no longer be allowed to be taken in your vehicles." the notice reads. "Approved areas are the breakroom and picnic area out front. You can no longer be in the parking lot during work time without permission from your Supervisor. "

'Failure to comply [...] will result in disciplinary action': Viral thread shows workplace limiting employee's breaks to 'approved areas'

antiwork toxic-workplace workplace Horrible Bosses viral job interview interview Reddit reddit thread great resignation big quit work reform - 17684997

Viral Thread: Worker Quits on Second Day After Lies From Interview Are Exposed

toxic-workplace coworkers human resources workplace coworker annoying coworkers annoying people aita reddit thread Reddit - 17660677

Clingy Coworker Reports Unwitting Mentor to HR For Standing Her Ground