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Fiancé wants to be a stay-at-home mom, refuses to chip in for 8-year-old stepson's expenses: 'Me and Tanner would have to sacrifice more than anyone'

Choices, choices
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twitter, x, job, Twitter Thread, mother, working mom, working, motherhood, parenting, tweets, funny parenting tweets, gen z, parenting tweets, tweet, mom, girlboss, twitter discourse

Gen Zer claims motherhood is a less stressful, slower-paced life than working a full time job: 'It’s so sad so many women are choosing the wrong path'

Who's going to tell her?
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twitter, mothers, mother, working mom, working, moms, parenting, mommy, tweets, working parents, parenting tweets, mom, discourse, twitter discourse, parents

Moms discuss whether working moms or stay at home moms criticize each other more heavily: 'Women get shamed no matter what we do'

You can't win
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