
time, work, workplace, employees, job, debate, tiktok

Liberal Workplace Prompts Debate by Allowing Employees to Start Whenever They Want

beer, company, reviews, glassdoor, management, job, work, tiktok

Company Roasted For Glassdoor Rating After Boasting About Giving Employees Free Beer

work, work memes, job, manager, coworkers, memes, funny, funny memes

The Best Relatable Work Memes This Week (August 22, 2022)

Person Discusses job where people have to sing if they are one minute late.

People Brainstorm Revenge Tactics For Company Forcing People Who Are a Minute Late Sing a Song

karen, reddit, customer service, reddit thread, malicious compliance, funny, work

Karen Demands That Cashier Override Sale So She Can Use Coupon, Ends Up Paying More

job interview, twitter thread, relatable tweets, jobs, employment, resume, work, bosses, coworkers

People Share Ways to Turn the Tables on a Potential Employer in a Job Interview

malicious compliance, antiwork, anti work, funny, reddit thread, manager, horrible bosses, work, jobs, lunch break

Entitled Employer Expects Employee to Run Work Errands During Lunch & Still Have Time to Eat

office, email, emails, technology, work, job, annoying, tiktok

Employees Gripe About Their Co-worker's Annoying Email Habits

pay, salary, job, work, secret, company, business, wages, twitter thread

Enlightening Thread Explains Why Most Companies Don’t Like Pay Transparency

drawing, drawings, doodle, malicious compliance, boss, work, whiteboard, employee, tiktok

Boss Gives Employee "Stupid Box" for Doodles on Whiteboard, People Come Up With Ways to Maliciously Comply

work memes, work, job, working, manager, coworkers, memes, funny, funny memes

The Best Relatable Work Memes This Week (August 15, 2022)

malicious compliance, work, jobs, manager, horrible bosses, antiwork, anti work, funny, reddit thread, reddit, retail, shift work

Manager Says Worker Needs Permission to Clock Out, Malicious Compliance Ensues

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High School Teacher Dreads Going Back to School After Summer Vacation and Makes Funny Videos Instead of Preparing Lessons

Funny history memes, dank history memes, humor, lol

The Best Fresh History Memes We've Seen This Week (8/10/2022)

chef, cook, server, waiter, hospitality, kitchen, job, work, coworkers, argument, tiktok

Chef Confounds Serving Staff With Unpredictable Mood Swings

work memes, work, job, manager, coworkers, working, funny, funny memes, memes

The Best Relatable Work Memes This Week (August 8, 2022)