work stories

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'It was really stressful and inconvenient for me to find coverage': Manager asks employee to pay $100 to coworker who covered her shift

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Micromanager boss reprimands employee for arriving '2-3 minutes' late from lunch: 'Companies pay people good money to babysit adults'

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Company rewards loyal employee's 10 years of work with 20¢ raise: 'Wow now you can afford that hot tub'

'That sounds like a you problem...': Hotel Cancels Guest’s Reservation After They Don’t Confirm Booking, Guest Demands to Be Checked In Anyway

'That sounds like a you problem...': Hotel Cancels Guest’s Reservation After They Don’t Confirm Booking, Guest Demands to Be Checked In Anyway

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'They stopped paying for your lunch': Workers contemplate why 9-5s became 9-6s and 8-5s

Fast Food Workers Share Most Entertaining Workplace Moments

Fast Food Workers Share Most Entertaining Workplace Moments

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'So...6% pay rise for everyone?': Company mandates 42.5 hour work week, does not offer overtime

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'She wanted buy a soul with a certificate': Unpaid intern stands up to toxic boss forcing her to work weekends

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'It's not your job to cover shifts': Manager expects employee to work off the clock, employee threatens to quit

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'We are replaceable': Unlucky worker gets swiftly replaced after calling out of one shift

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Employee forced to work in office with no windows and no coworkers resigns, boss retaliates: 'It's not your job to run your boss' business'

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Boss conveniently 'forgets' about employee's long-held time off request: 'Stop putting it on employees to solve staffing issues'

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'You owe them zip': Employee sends biting reply to boss who withheld PTO payout

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'Why did you send me this resume?': Job recruiter gaslights airline wiring applicant into thinking they're unqualified

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'I'm at a loss for words': Company asks employees to 'donate' PTO to cover loyal worker's leave

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'I just roll my eyes and mark whatever answers make me look good': Bartending job requires insane logic test in online application