
work from home

work from home, jobs, work, anti work, employment, unemployment, i quit, bosses, reddit thread

CEO Revokes Company's Work-From-Home Option, Everyone Starts Quitting

Many people turned to work-from-home jobs at the height of the pandemic when lockdowns made it impossible for business-as-usual to continue. Telecommuting became the new normal, and suddenly working for a company in another state was an option. Sounds like a win-win for everyone, right? Companies didn't have to pay for office space and remote workers had more free time and newfound flexibility in their schedules. It was all going great until employers started making their remote workers come in…
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funny memes, gas prices, oil prices, oil price hike, ukraine, trending memes, twitter memes, funny tweets, relatable tweets, work from home, jobs, work

Funny & Fresh Memes About This Week's Skyrocketing Oil Prices

Gas prices have soared to $4.25 per gallon—the highest in U.S. history. Costs were already predicted to surge in 2022, but with the current sanctions against Russian energy, commuters are going to feel the pain way sooner and harder than expected. As many frustrated people have pointed out this week, it seems like just about everything is going up except our wages. There's not much regular civilians can do about global markets and international matters, except maybe meme about our problems and…
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mouse jiggler, life hacks, work hack, anti work, work, jobs, bosses, work from home, tiktok, productivity, dystopia, corporate, office job, manager

Worker Suggests 'Mouse Jiggler' Hack to Anyone Being Tracked by Their Boss While Working From Home

When @thecorporatemama posted a satirical video poking fun at toxic managers who closely surveil how often their employees appear idle on virtual workspaces like Slack and Teams, @adriannarebekah replied with the work hack of a lifetime. @adriannarebekah #stitch with @thecorporatemama #workfromhome #wfh #wfhlife #wfhhacks #wfhcheck #wfhstruggles #wfhproblems #MaiselChallenge #MakeItGucci ♬ original sound - Adrianna Ortiz @adriannarebekah's went viral, gaining 10.8 million views, 1.7 million lik…
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work memes, memes, funny memes, office job, work from home, 9-5, relatable memes | getting ready go on zoom something should just be an email crying girl brushing her hair | at 14: can't wait travel whole world once earning my own money now: mustn't forget tupperware at work s my only one

Relatable Memes For Grumpy Office Workers

Mix up the monotony of 9-5 life with memes
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Oh Hell Yeah

Funny meme about archaeologists working from home during COVID-19 quarantine | dinosaur eggs in oatmeal
Via TheSkiiMeister
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