

witch, witches, witch memes, witchy, magic, crystals, spirituality, spells, sage, memes, funny, funny memes, occult, occult memes

20+ Witchy Memes for Spell Casters Who Know Their Sage From Their Palo Santo

Eclipse ready
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Funny memes about witches and spooky things

Witchy Memes For Folks Who Walk On the Spooky Side of the Street

There was, and perhaps still is (to a certain degree), a time where the idea of a “witchy woman” was super popular. The Stevie Nicks aesthetic was rampant - long dresses, weird hats, and allusions to spells and magic herbs were ubiquitous at the cafes and bars of New York. Suddenly, all my friends were taking part in full moon rituals, and drinking teas made from said magical herbs that I'd never heard of. While I couldn't quite commit to the schtick, I did find that the tea my friend gave me t…
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