

Twitter's Best Reactions to Window's Global IT Crash Caused by the Crowdstrike Outage

Twitter's Best Reactions to Window's Global IT Crash Caused by the Crowdstrike Outage

THIS is what Y2k was supposed to be.
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funny cat memes, relatable memes, food memes, random, random memes, relatable, technology, funny memes, windows, dank memes, Memes, meme, food, funny, cat memes

Compelling Memes to Pique Your Interest

There's a lot of noise on the internet. Hot garbage is being funneled through the World Wide Web every day, and if you're anything like me, it's making its way to your phone and computer whether you like it or not. I am addicted to Twitter , and no matter how much it can infuriate me and make my day markedly worse, I am perpetually entertained by it. As much as I get frustrated reading poorly written r/antiwork posts about frustrated workers quitting their jobs in a blaze of glory, I always com…
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gaming memes, pc gaming, computer memes, steam, funny memes, memes, video games, windows, pc memes, geek

PC Memes for Gamers Whose GPUs Are Hotter Than the Sun

If your WASD keys are blank, then these memes are for you
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video games, gaming memes, pc gaming, pc master race, online gaming, computer memes, geek, memes, windows, nvidia, pc

Memes for People Who Have a Complicated Relationship With Their Gaming PC

Plenty of PC gamers like to act high and mighty around console warriors, but deep down, every PC user has a love/hate relationship with their machine. If you'd defend that piece of junk you built yourself 15 years ago to the death, these relatable memes for dedicated PC users will surely speak to you.
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A compilation of funny and random memes

Memes To Comfort You in Times of Need

We all need comfort every once and a while . We can't just walk around like husks of human beings with our emotional support needs staying completely unmet. That's not realistic. Usually, we defer to our friends, families, and lovers for comforting us in times of need. But that can be a little difficult and vulnerable to ask for. When nervous about burdening others with my emotional needs, I tend to turn towards movies, TV shows, ASMR-tists, and memes to help me get out of dark times. If I'm in…
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windows, windows 10, windows 11, microsoft, software, operating system, launch, lol, computer, techonology, android, phone, tablet

All The Catty Memes That Cannibalized The Windows 11 Launch

Here we go again.
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funny memes, memes, linux, windows, coding, coding memes, computer memes, technology, relatable memes, nerdy memes, geeky memes, web developers, programming memes

20 Techie Memes For Computer Nerds

For geeks who love a good Linux joke
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doom memes, doom, doom eternal, dank memes, video games, microsoft, pc games, cacodemon, dank doom memes, doomguy, memes, funny, nerdy memes, gaming memes, gamers | Her father crush Her sister Her ex Her crush | Wood parody cutting trees

Dank DOOM Memes For 27 Years Of Fans

Happy Anniversary DOOM!
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So Beautiful

Funny Twitter meme that reads, "Guess the place?" above an image of a girl appearing to be on vacation somewhere; someone comments below, "Window XP?"
Via Land0fMemes
Funny dank memes about the discontinuation of Microsoft's operating system Windows 7 | meme heaven numerous characters from popular culture princess diana, elvis presley, tupac, bob ross, princess leia, harambe saying Come, join us to the windows 7 logo. woody from toy story so long partner.

Dank Memers Mourn The Loss Of The Beloved Windows 7

At least we get memes out of this.
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Sad But True

Funny meme about renting apartments.
Via @memebase
funny random memes

21 Dopey Pics That'll Keep Your Brain Busy

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It's True

'Epic Handshake' meme where "Hating Apple" unites "Windows Users, Android users, God and doctors"
Via hachille

It's True

Text that reads, "How likely are you to recommend Windows 10 to a friend or colleague?" above a review of the product where someone says that they do not often sit around talking about operating systems to friends
Via RonSwansonsGirl
Microsoft Windows Memes

33 Triggering Windows Memes And Pics That'll Really Grind Your Gears

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You Had One Job

Funny meme about Windows task manager.
Via Know Your Meme
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