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Artist Reimagines Every Game of Thrones House With Pokémon and the Results Are Gold

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Square Enix Partners with Acclaimed Prosthetics Creator 'Open Bionics' to Create Version of Prosthetic Hand Adam Jensen Uses in Deus Ex

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USA Finally Gets Revenge for Canada's Part in the War of 1812

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Guy Defies the Impossible and Plays Skyrim with a Potato, Cause Why Not?


Guy Creates Amazing 3D Sculpts of His Favorite Characters, and Based off These He Should Probably Make It a Full-Time Job


Mercy Is the Girl You Marry, Widowmaker Is the Tease, but at the End of the Day Mercy Is the Bread n Butter

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Overwatch Team Shows Us How We Can All Win a Game in Less than a Minute

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Guy Proposes to Girlfriend Using Super Mario Bros. And He Definitely Deserves All the Gold Coins Now


Player Finds Luke Skywalker in Skyrim and Wins for the Day


Overwatch Player With Cerebral Palsy Writes One Heck of a Heartfelt Thank You Letter to Blizzard for Accessibility Options

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If You're Going to Beat Dark Souls 3's First Boss, Why Not Do It With a Dance Pad Like This Nimble Legend


Creative Kid Sketches Overwatch Character and Blizzard Artists Finish the Job in Triumphant Fashion

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Dark Souls 3 With a Fullmetal Alchemist Twist Makes for One Enjoyably Comedic Ride

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The Lightning Just Made Our Dreams Come True, and Staged a Larger Than Life Mario Kart Game on Their Rink

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Amputee Gamer Gets Prosthetic Arm Inspired by Metal Gear Solid With Charger, Drone, and Interactive Screen

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Overwatch Players Band Together to Create the Sky-High Achievement That Is the Leaning Tower of D.Va