

tattoos, tattooist, body art, bad tattoos, weird, wtf, why

Questionable Tattoos That Would Have Many People Reaching For The Laser Themselves

Never before have we lived in a time where we are so free to modify our bodies pretty much however we please. For a significant amount of the population, tattoos are a big part of that. Although they can be a great way to express yourself, the quality of our body art can definitely vary wildly. The world would be a boring place if we all had the same tastes, but some things transcend the realm of good or bad and simply elicit the reaction "why?". While many of these examples may not be that ple…
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apartment, property, expensive, why, layout, floorplan, tour, new york, tiktok, twitter

Head Spinning NYC Apartment Layout Causes Widespread Confusion

If there’s one thing that you need to know about property developers, it’s that they’re going to try and make a profit by any means necessary . Often that can mean that they are going to cut some corners, but usually this doesn’t mean in the literal sense. However, one apartment being offered for rent in New York has done exactly that, as showcased in a video tour by @rentnewyork . @rentnewyork My head is hurting 🤯 ##landlords ##nyc ##apartmenttour ##tellmewithouttellingme ##fypage ♬ original …
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retail, walmart, self-checkout, cashier, employee, karen, tiktok, why, debate

Walmart Karen Divides Opinion After Making Staff Do Self-Checkout For Her

One of the biggest changes in retail in recent years has been using self checkouts at big chain stores. Whether we have been haunted by the spectre of the unexpected item in the bagging area or indulged in the thrill of putting through our avocados as onions, scanning our own groceries is increasingly becoming part of our day-to-day lives. However, not everyone is willing to accept the new normal, even when it's the only option. When @tzipp69 shopped at a Walmart recently and realized that ther…
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landlord, rent, deposit, tenancy, tiktok, wtf, fail, cleaning

Woman Shares Every Dumb Thing That Made Her Landlord Take From Her Deposit

It’s a sad fact of life that renting a home can be a complete nightmare. Even when you find a place you can afford, the hoops you have to jump through to get what you paid for can verge on the ridiculous. Sometimes, getting a decent landlord can seem like a lost cause — so the least you can do is laugh when they try to screw you over. This was the attitude of @ matildaaahh2001 when she received an email detailing what her and her housemates were being penalized for when they moved out of their …
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Funny and cringey photos of bad eyebrows | woman with worried expression standing behind Donald Trump | person with thick rectangular drawn eyebrows

Cringeworthy Eyebrows In Need Of A Trip To Sephora

You already know we included Leonid Brezhnev in this gallery.
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Anyway, Here's Wonderwall

Funny meme that reads, "Me: Hey man can you pass me my guitar; friend: Sure man" above a photo of someone holding up a guitar by its strings
Via Max_Stoned


Funny and strange Venn diagram between Spongebob, Squidward and Patrick from the Nickelodeon TV show Spongebob
Via Wichelmich
Funny and cringey clip from the movie 'Cats'

Scene In 'Cats' Involves Cringey Dancing Cockroaches

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Cringey pics

27 Cringe Pics That'll Make You Want To Go Blind

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Weird Kids: Why Did You Do This

Caption that reads, "Everyone knew that one weird kid in the class that would run down the hallway like this" above illustrations of a kid running with his arms swung back
Via fishingdownbythelake

It's Terrifying!

Caption that reads, "Why can't I punch hard in my dreams" above a pic of a character from King of the Hill looking frazzled
Via meowmeowmix
weird stupid memes, dank memes

'Bread Stapled To Trees' Is The Stupidest Thing You'll Ever See On The Internet

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Only In Canada...

Caption that reads, "I go to school in Ottawa and we write our exams in a hockey rink" above a pic of a bunch of students taking their exams sitting in desks on a hockey rink
Via musicmakesmesmile
cover image of Christmas design fails, funny

13 WTF Christmas Design Fails That SOMEONE Should've Noticed

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He's Just So Versatile

Text that reads, "Teacher: What are you laughing at? Me: Nothing; Also me: ..." above a pic of Elon Musk's face photoshopped to look like a musket called an 'Elon Musket'
Via eldieron24

Oh Lawd He Comin

Tumblr post where several people comment "Here he comes" above a pic of a cat walking through a doorway; someone comments, "He has arrived"
Via ImHereToMakeUsersubAnEvenWeirderPlace