
White house

Funny memes entitled, "Nancy Pelosi Pointing at Donald Trump"

Nancy Pelosi Pointing At Trump Is An Assertive Dank Meme

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Funny tweet where someone asks about the worst career advice you've ever received; Monica Lewinsky replies, "An internship at the White House will be amazing on your resume"
Via WanderingUterus

When Are They Gonna Start Touring

Tweet that reads, "I just learned that Mike Pence's middle name is Charles. So together they're DJ Trump and MC Pence. WTF?"
Via FishMarshall
Dude beats scammer at his own game.

Clever Dude Hilariously Beats Scammer At His Own Game

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'Now, The Problem With The Asymptotic Theory Is...'

Political meme where Donald Trump, who represents 'teacher' is lecturing Nancy Pelosi, who represents 'one kid actually trying to learn;' Mike Pence is sitting in a chair sleeping, representing 'everyone else in the class'
Via Flqmingg

Aww, Cheer Up Joe

Caption that reads, "Obama (sighs): Fine Joe. You can sit with the adults; Biden: No I don't want to now" above a pic of Joe Biden looking sad out of a window
Via BoomBoomSaloon

How Precious!

Pic of Kanye West meeting with Donald Trump, above a fake pic of a drawing of Kanye and Trump
Via iAlexAM


fu nny meme about melania trump secretly asking twitter for help.
Via god
donald trump trump gross White house politics journalism - 5746949

There's A Bag Of Disgusting Dirty Socks Sitting In The White House And No One Knows Why

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Compilation of funny memes of Urban Dictionary definition entries on Anthony Scaramucci.

Anthony Scaramucci Is Getting Roasted Hard On Urban Dictionary

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Lord Help Us

Funny meme that combines all the memes of July into one giant meme.
Via adam.the.creator
Collection of dank and funny memes about the White house, moms, girlfriends, dating, Moana, emoji movie, the emoji movie, anthony scaramucci, magic cards, rick and morty, music, minions, texting.

Dank Meme Roundup: 16 Nice N' Spicy Memes

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anthony scaramucci White house Memes politics - 9059916288
Via The Hard Times
Collection of funny memes about Anthony Scaramucci being fired from the White House by Donald Trump.

The Mooch Is Out And Twitter's Got Jokes

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Funny collection of twitter reaction and memes regarding Sean Spicer's resignation.

Thanks For The Memes, Sean Spicer

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Collection of Kellyann Conway collusion illusion delusion photoshop memes.

Kellyanne Conway Is Our New Favorite Meme

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