

Disney Adult freaks out when daughter gets non-Disney toy

Disney Mom Freaks Out When Her Daughter Gets Non-Disney Toy She Wants

Now there's a Toy Story.
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public, customer service, customers, weird, strange, funny, sad, customer, food service, hospitality, retail, call center, story, storytime

Customer Service Workers Share Their Most Haunting Customer Interactions

Ew, people
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sad, cringe, cringeworthy, cringey, why, desperate, social media, relationships

Cringey Internet Moments That Are Both Embarrassing & Sad

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oddly specific, playlists, spotify, music, song, songs, singer, weird, wtf, funny

Bizarre Spotify Playlists That Are an Interesting Listen

So specific
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online shopping, craigslist, thrift store, secondhand, facebook marketplace, weird, strange, scary

Strange & Questionable Garbage That People Chose To Sell Online

Not a sight for sore eyes
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cups, drink, drinking, cup, weird, wtf, why, drinking problem

A Group of Beverages That Desperately Need Actual Cups

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Totally Unhinged Memes That Haunt Your Feed and Make Your Chuckle at 2AM

Totally Unhinged Memes That Haunt Your Feed and Make Your Chuckle at 2AM

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dalle, ai, artificial intelligence, gan, memes, dalle memes, funny, weird, cursed, movies, movie posters, open ai, dall-e

AI-Generated Movie Posters Turn Classic Flicks Into Weird Memes

By now, everyone's seen some of the hilariously cursed images generated through OpenAI's infamous AI system, DALL-E. Memelords and regular internet users alike have had a hell of a time testing the system's limits and possibilities, and we've gotten some pretty dank memes out of it. One redditor recently posted a series of fake movie posters that look like DALL-E vomited its closest approximations to some of Hollywood's most famous titles. While most of these are pretty obvious, we've included…
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men, masculinity, male, gender, gender issues, crazy, weird, funny

Deranged Takes on Masculinity That Are Undoubtedly Alpha Male

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Funniest Unstable Memes for Those of Us That Are either in Therapy, Thinking About Starting Therapy, or in Denial

Funniest Memes For Us Unstable People Who Are either in Therapy, Thinking About Starting Therapy, or in Denial

Just one more mental breakdown away
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kids, children, creepy, scary, wtf, weird, stories, supernatural, twitter thread

People Share The Creepiest Things They've Ever Heard Kids Say

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tinder, funny tinder, rude, weird, wtf, dating, online dating, messaging, text message

Wild Tinder Moments That Range From Amusing To Terrible

The audacity
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A compilation of memes about Twin Peaks and David Lynch.

Twin Peaks Memes For Black Lodge Residents

While it isn't February 24th at 11:30 am, this time of the year is one of the best to enter the town of Twin Peaks . The Pacific Northwestern and spooky vibes this show has always helps me get into the autumn season. If you haven't had a rewatch in a while, it's also a good time to refresh on all of the characters, just in case you spot a Black Lodge resident at a Halloween party this year. While it's never a bad time to watch Twin Peaks , now it is extremely opportune. Twin Peaks is one of tho…
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flight, flying, airplane, passengers, prank, wtf, weird, hmm, mystery, tiktok

Airplane Passengers Have Bizarre Flight Experience That Nobody Can Explain

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A compilation of strange, blessed, cursed, and blursed images.

Strange Images That Blur The Line Between Cursed and Blessed

The internet was so much simpler when everyone labeled anything slightly non-normative as “cursed.” Any image that did not depict the most normie, understandable, easily graspable concept was designed an affront to God or some kind of spooky
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TikTok where a skincare influencer talks about how she trained herself to not use the muscles in her face to avoid getting wrinkles

Freaky Skincare Influencer Trains Her Face To Not Express Emotions To Avoid Wrinkles

How far would you go to avoid aging? Most of us have at least some semblance of a skincare routine , while others break the bank on various exfoliators and lotions and goos. If you're really terrified at the prospect of getting lines on your face, you might invest in botox or even a facelift. No matter what lengths you'll go to to look young, you probably haven't gone as far as skincare influencer, Isabelle Lux . Along with an intensive beauty and skincare regiment, Isabelle Lux has quite liter…
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