

The Only Suit to Protect Agains My Roommates' Disgusting Farts

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This Backpack Has Its Eye On You

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An Early Cyborg Playing Chess

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Via The Paris Review

One of The First Cassette Heads

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Via Bill Domonkos

The Last Time I Go to Man-Eating Monkey Island

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Heads Up

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In The 50's They Were Obsesses With Novelty-Sized Fake Pickels

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Created by butterflyperception

Now That's a Fine Vintage

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What Are They Dressed As? My Nightmares?

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Back When Mickey Mouse Fans Were Heavily Into Skulls

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The Early Form of Twitter Sure Was Different

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An Old Photo Of The Devil

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Vintage Russian Google Glasses

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Can't Wait For These to Come Back Into Style

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And That Kids, Is How I Met Your Robo-Father

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Vintage Beach Party Photobomb

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Created by Unknown