
vice-presidential debate

Funny Memes, Dank Memes, Funny Tweets, Election Coverage, Election Memes, Political Memes, Political Humor, Mike Pence | Fly found shot back 5 times. FBI believes maybe suicide. | Pence's Fly @MichaelsFly Follow Living rent free on Mike Pence's head since 2020 Pence's Hair Fly @PENCESFLYTRAP Follow Mike Pence's Fly Follow @pence_hairfly PenceFly2020 @PenceFly2020 Follow Fly on Pence's head Fly @TheMikePenceFly Follow painful Mike Pence's Fly Follow @MikePencesFly22 on Mike Pence's head. Pence's

A Fly Won The Vice Presidential Debate

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It's What We're All Thinking!

joe biden paul ryan vice-presidential debate frustrated - 6678401280
See all captions Created by michaelkleine

And We Thought He was Writing Notes

joe biden paul ryan sign prank debate vice-presidential debate - 6663878912
Via Spooky Pryde

The Debate's Getting Sassy

joe biden paul ryan debate vice-presidential debate gifs - 6663788032
Via Roy Mustang 19

It Begins

paul ryan joe biden debate vice-presidential debate fat shirtless - 6663652608
Via Mother Jones

Bringing Out the Big Guns

barack obama joe biden thumbs up facepalm i got this debate vice-presidential debate - 6663149568
Via Hate for the State

VP Debate Drinking Game

joe biden paul ryan debate vice-presidential debate drinking game - 6663026944
Via Rodriguez 709

Tonight: The Joe Biden vs. Paul Ryan Walk Off

paul ryan joe biden zoolander debate vice-presidential debate - 6659784704