

cats, cat, tail, shaved, vet, weird, funny, tiktok

Vet Shaves Cat's Tail, Owner Shares Unnerving Results

Can't stop looking
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pets, animals, dogs, cats, funny stories, twitter thread, vet, veterarian, illness, sick

Pet Owners Recall The Dumbest Reasons They Took Their Animal To The Veterinarian

Some ridiculous diagnoses
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Funny memes about veterinarians and animals | Spongebob CLIENT STARTS APPOINTMENT WITH MY BREEDER TOLD VETERINARYHUMOR IGHT IMMA HEAD OUT | Big fan this picture veterinarian showing cat fat he is.

Fourteen Veterinary Memes For The Heroes Who Care For Our Pets

Thanks you, vets and vet techs alike!
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aww dogs pets veterinarian vet pupper puppy cute doggo - 8551173

29 Unamused Dogs Who Realized They Were Going To The Vet

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Pic of a cat jumping into a little drawer at the vet's office; Snapchat text overlay reads, "An attempt to escape the vet"
Via anlyin

Never Be Ashamed Of That Name

Tweet that reads, "My mum was too embarrassed to tell the vet our tortoise was called Voldetort so she just said his name was Susan"
Via sammysammyo

Don't Let Your Dogs End Up Like the Dinos

funny memes animal clinic dino sign

No One Expects Dr. No

Grumpy Cat vet funny - 7763256576

I'm Seventy Percent Certain

wtf vet dogs - 6967205632
Created by anthropocene

Start The Car!

cat sign pets car vet - 6957912064
Created by djcat595

Not Sure if Can Understand Spelling

animemes dogs fry pets spelling vet - 4976868352