

work, employee, vacation, holiday, memes, funny, funny memes, work memes, relatable memes

20+ PTO Memes for Overworked Employees Shamelessly Enjoying Their Vacation Time

Time for a holiday
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Man Defies Heavily Pregnant Woman’s Demand for Seat Switch and Upgrade on Long Haul Flight to Hawaii

Man Defies Heavily Pregnant Woman’s Demand for Seat Switch and Upgrade on Long Haul Flight to Hawaii

Among the most important things to remember are the rules of airplane etiquette. We can't decide if the limited space, the attentive flight attendants, or the restless passengers are to blame. One thing is certain, though: you should never, ever attempt to secure an upgrade at someone else's expense. The story below is an account of a frustrated traveler. The original poster (OP) had bought a ticket from New York to Hawaii. He made sure, well in advance of the holiday, that he would have a seat…
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20+ Freshly Cut Memes for People Who Need to Go Touch Some Grass

20+ Freshly Cut Memes for People Who Need to Go Touch Some Grass

Let these memes convince you to put down your little, medium, and big screens and go outside for a few minutes.
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family drama, mother, sibling rivalry, sisters, siblings, success, cruise, peaked in high school, high school, family, dropout, sibling, sister, daughter, mom, vacation

Mom calls 24-year-old daughter a loser for saying her successful sister doesn't deserve her cruise vacation: 'Sara was a loser in high school so it isn't fair that she has all this now'

She's the loser now
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poor planning, planning, plan, parenting, parents, adulting, adult, adulthood, adulting memes, labor, unseen labor, work, working, vacation, family vacation, vacations, twitter, twitter discourse

Woman takes 3+ hours to prepare for solo beach day, sparks discussion about planning exhaustion as adults: 'You gotta start getting ready 3 days before'

Does it really take that long?
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‘You care only about yourself': Parents claim daughter abandoned them on an island after they failed to return to their cruise ship on time

‘You care only about yourself': Parents claim daughter abandoned them on an island after they failed to return to their cruise ship on time

Anyone who has ever been on a cruise ship knows that cruise ships wait for absolutely no one. Actually, no public transportation ever waits for their passengers. If you are not there before the departure time, they will depart without you, and you will have to figure out another way to get to your destination. This is a lesson that the parents in this Reddit story had to learn the hard way, and it's honestly crazy that full-grown adults have not figured it out before. What's even more crazy, is…
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malicious compliance reddit story stories family funny vacation clever witty boobytrap boobytrapped lol hilarious relatable

'The boobytrapped door was not level': Clever son complies with dad's request, creating an ambush after Tetrising an entire case of beer bottles inside the mini fridge

The Great Beer Migration
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food, eating, vacation, holiday, twitter, twitter thread, fussy, picky, relationships, meals

'I can just imagine how his liver feels': Picky eater gets roasted for taking 2 weeks of food on all-inclusive vacation

Seems excessive
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road trip, road trip memes, travel, travel memes, traveling, road, road rage, roads, driving, driver, cars, car, trip, family, family memes, snacks, vacation, vacations, memes

25 Road Trip Memes Powered by Salty Snacks and a Sense of Adventure

Get in, loser. We're going on a road trip.
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reddit stories, vacations, disney, babysitter, brother, siblings, reddit story, disney world, babysitting, sister, Reddit, money, family vacation, disneyland, summer vacation, vacation

Unemployed 24-year-old refuses her brother's offer for a $1K Disney vacation because he asked her to babysit his kids for a few nights: 'She said we're trying to take advantage of her'

It's her loss
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belgium, family drama, beer, vacations, saving money, fatherson, beers, stepchild, reddit story, exes, dad, ex wife, money, college, son, stepson, Father, vacation

Dad refuses to give late son's college fund to his ex-wife's stepson, travels to Belgium to drink beer instead: 'My ex says I'm wasting thousands of dollars'

This was his dream trip
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adults, birthday, happy birthday, birthdays. birthday party, birthday memes, happy birthday memes, work, workplace, workplace stories, antiwork, pto, paid time off, time off, vacation, summer vacation

'Are you gonna have fun on your little bouncy castle?': Adults debate whether or not taking your birthday off work is an 'ick'

But it's my birthday...
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Running Shoes Stuffed With 38 Memes to Race Through the Week

Running Shoes Stuffed With 38 Memes to Race Through the Week

Work hard, player harder
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'That sounds like a you problem...': Hotel Cancels Guest’s Reservation After They Don’t Confirm Booking, Guest Demands to Be Checked In Anyway

'That sounds like a you problem...': Hotel Cancels Guest’s Reservation After They Don’t Confirm Booking, Guest Demands to Be Checked In Anyway

Working in the hospitality industry can be challenging. There are a lot of factors to take into account, in addition to the long hours, entitled guests, and constant barrage of unreasonable requests. The story that follows is an account of a frustrated front desk clerk. A woman approached the Original Poster (OP) while she was working the night shift. She stormed into the hotel and insisted on being checked in right away. But not long after she arrived, OP recognized that the woman in front of…
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27 Memes for People Who Enjoy All Music Festivals but Especially Coachella

27 Memes for People Who Enjoy All Music Festivals but Especially Coachella

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flight, flying, airplane, twitter, twitter thread, debate, vacation, travel, traveling

Travelers debate whether you should book flights on a phone or laptop: 'My most millennial trait is big purchases must happen in big laptop screen'

It's a serious business
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