

southern, Colorado, hot, united states, desert, southwest, new mexico, funny memes, weather, Nevada, Memes, utah, hot weather, states, regional, dry, arizona

Southwestern Memes for Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, and Nevada Residents

Something for everybody
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Teenager posts their working hours on Reddit, sparking discussion on child labor laws

Teen's Excessive Work Hours Sparks Discussion About Child Labor Laws

A Utah teenager recently went viral on Reddit for posting their schedule for their part-time job . They are expected to work 32 hours a week, including four 6-hour shifts directly after already going to school for 8 hours. I know there are probably a bunch of angry people reading this and thinking, “that's not very much work! If this teen would hike up their bootstraps, they would be able to work these hours and finish their homework with no issues.” In some cases, they might be right. When I w…
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channel 5, andrew callaghan, comedy, funny video, youtube, utah rap festival, mad lads, funny, utah, interview, journalism, all gas no brakes

Channel 5's Coverage of the Utah Rap Festival is Absolute Madness

If you were a fan of All Gas No Brakes and haven't watched Andrew Callaghan's new series Channel 5 yet, you really need to start with this recent special on the Utah Rap Festival. In this 15-minute highlight from Channel 5's full episode on Patreon, the youth of Salt Lake City impart us with invaluable wisdom, such as 'f-ck the mormons b-tch!' The chaotic energy in this video is agitating and addictive at the same time—at times it hurts to watch and yet you can't look away. Channel 5 is a gratif
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Funny tweets, viral tweets, lol, memes

Marvel At This Money Shot of a Plane Dumping Fish Into a Lake

It's...surprisingly satisfying.
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Dang it, Kids!

weather clothes utah - 8368564736

Spring in Utah

rage trollface spring snow weather utah - 8132402944

And the Moral of the Story Is...

are you kidding me drugs i aint even mad mormons utah - 7605492480