

weird, weird pics, weird memes, funny, funny memes, items, shopping, online shopping, garage sale, craigslist, facebook, facebook fail, facebook marketplace, product, product fail, secondhand, vintage, used

25 Weird and Wild Items for Sale on Marketplace

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No It's Art

Caption that reads, "This is truly one of the worst pieces of home decor I've ever seen" above a picture frame with an acronym made from 'Facebook'
Via anlyin

Slightly Used, Some Minor 'Water' Stains

used amazon wtf shopping - 6984702464
Created by Unknown

GameStop Is Great

elder scrolls gamestop oblivion Rage Comics used video games - 5466329344
Created by Zilikken

Cheer Up, Depression Dog!

Depression Dog pencil used - 4294195456
See all captions Created by Imnotjarry11