
family families family-drama drama stories family-stories sister-in-law in-laws sister brother unlce nephew uncle inheritance money cash spend defends protect

Uncle defends his 16-year-old nephew's inheritance after his former sister-in-law tries to spend the cash on her new family: ‘I told her the money was for Caden and Caden alone’

family drama, university, niece, parenting, sister in law, aunt, uncle, weekend, family, parent, mom, Parenting Fail, college, college student, parents, Parenting FAILS

Mom berates aunt for letting her 28-year-old niece spend the weekend with because she was extremely stressed and depressed in college: 'She didn’t want to tell her mom she was at our house and asked us not to either'

nephews, family drama, teenager, brother, sibling rivalry, teenagers, siblings, raising teens, dad, uncle, family, sibling, video games, nephew, brothers, Father

'I told [my brother] how he had failed as a father': Uncle defends his neglected 16-year-old nephew after his spoiled 13-year-old brother broke his video game and blamed it on him

Babies, family drama, baby, mother, crazy things parents say, motherhood, parenting, dad, uncle, family, reddit thread, Reddit, mom, single mom, son, parents, Father

Single mom demands that her brother be the 'fun uncle' to her son, despite 2 paternal uncles offering to step up and do so: 'David needs all the support he can get since Bryan won’t be here'

family drama, marriage, mother, affair, stepmom, grandma, exes, dad, uncle, divorce, Grandpa, family, grandparents, uncles, half sibling, mom, Father

16-year-old tells his dad's ex-wife/affair partner that he wouldn't live with her if she was the only option he had, grandparents scold him for making her upset: 'Dad's parents are saying I'm turning into a really evil and cruel person'

20+ Chinese New Year Memes to Celebrate the Year of the Snake

20+ Chinese New Year Memes to Celebrate the Year of the Snake

family, relationships, aita, reddit, reddit thread, brother, niece, uncle, husband, wife, taylor swift, gift, dollhouse, entitled people

Man builds dollhouse for 28-year-old wife, brother gets offended when he won't give it to his 13-year-old niece for her birthday: 'He told me that I was teasing her'

22-year-old exposes 43-year-old uncle's $700 unpaid debt to him during a family dinner after uncle brags about booking a trip to the Maldives: ‘You can afford all that but not repay my debt’

22-year-old exposes 43-year-old uncle's $700 unpaid debt to him during a family dinner after uncle brags about booking a trip to the Maldives: ‘You can afford all that but not repay my debt’

 childcare Babies aita kids moms parenting dad cute kids reddit thread parent Reddit raising kids Parenting Fail parents children Parenting FAILS aunt uncle sister family drama reddit allergies allergy

Aunt refuses to accommodate 3-year-old's allergies for monthly family dinner, tells sister-in-law to 'put the kid in a plastic bubble': 'You seem to have a bone to pick with a 3-year-old'

christmas, family drama, kids, thanksgiving, niece, reddit story, parenting, aunt, dad, uncle, family, reddit thread, Reddit, mom, holidays, parents, custody

Aunt and uncle insist on getting custody of their 8-year-old niece for Thanksgiving and Christmas despite not contacting her for the entire year since her father's passing: 'They said I was keeping her away from them'

nephews, famiily drama, iPhones, brother, technology, phone, reddit story, TV, uncle, broken, family, reddit thread, Reddit, nephew, parents, screen, television, iphone

23-year-old uncle smashes his brothers phone after he refuses to pay for the TV his 12-year-old son broke: 'My mom said it was an accident, my dad said I could just replace it myself'

‘Their needs are always put first’: Kid refuses to accommodate step-siblings' allergies during birthday dinner, purposely choosing a restaurant they can't eat at, family dispute ensues

‘Their needs are always put first’: Kid refuses to accommodate step-siblings' allergies during birthday dinner, purposely choosing a restaurant they can't eat at, family dispute ensues

childcare, nephews, family drama, babysitter, kids, mother, niece, nanny, babysitting, dad, uncle, little kids, family, mom, nephew, children, Father

Fun uncle gets pressured into babysitting his niece and nephew from 9 AM to 7 PM every Saturday and Sunday, his sister flips out when he asks to cut back: 'I never agreed to be their full-time nanny'

 Wedding Themes bride marriage wedding party wedding story brides wedding cake reddit thread Reddit bullying weddings family drama Marriage family money saving money uncle niece

22-year old niece demands uncle pay for $50k wedding despite already offering $15k, calls him 'manipulative' when he refuses: 'You're nothing more than a bank account'

nephews, kid, stepmom, wife, bad parenting, reddit story, bad parents, widower, aunt, dad, uncle, reddit thread, parent, Reddit, nephew, son, parents

Dad abandons 11-year-old son after his mom passes, gets angry when his new wife and kids can't stay at his guardian aunt and uncle's house for 2 weeks: 'His wife is becoming resentful of him not being around'

boy, nephews, family drama, tooth, child, kid, kids, brother, sister-in-law, injury, siblings, yo yo, yoyo, dad, uncle, nephew, children, brohters

Dad insists professional yo-yoer brother give his advanced yo-yo to his son, gets angry when kid knocks tooth out with it: 'He told me that I had to pay to get the rest of the baby tooth out'

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