

canada, russia, americans, danger, australia, travelling, iraq, north korea, madagascar, america, ukraine, Travel, traveling, american, safety, iran, dangerous

People Discuss The Most Risky Places For Americans to Travel

When I was a kid, I was obsessed with the idea of traveling to North Korea. This was obviously before the case of Otto Warmbier, whose death led to the ban on Americans traveling to the country. This was more in the era of The Interview and the widespread fear of Seth Rogan leading to nuclear war. There were so many VICE documentaries that explained North Korean culture, and I watched all of them. I logically knew that traveling to North Korea was not the brightest idea, but I was 14 years old…
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Funny random memes and tweets, gas prices, lol

A Mess of Fresh Memes and Some That Aged Like Fine Wine

Greetings, internet traveler. You're…still here. In front of that screen. Weird. So am I. It's been a long day of staring at this light, typing away, trying to make this rickety brain do things that will make me a little bit of money. And yet, when the clock hits six pm, I can't help but remain in the hideous, depression-inspiring glow that makes time move more slowly and more quickly at the same exact time. Our relationship with our screens is almost like a toxic relationship - you keep gettin…
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funny memes, gas prices, oil prices, oil price hike, ukraine, trending memes, twitter memes, funny tweets, relatable tweets, work from home, jobs, work

Funny & Fresh Memes About This Week's Skyrocketing Oil Prices

Gas prices have soared to $4.25 per gallon—the highest in U.S. history. Costs were already predicted to surge in 2022, but with the current sanctions against Russian energy, commuters are going to feel the pain way sooner and harder than expected. As many frustrated people have pointed out this week, it seems like just about everything is going up except our wages. There's not much regular civilians can do about global markets and international matters, except maybe meme about our problems and…
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Funny random meme and tweets

A Modest Selection of Semi-Fresh Memes

The never-ending winter, the never-ending pandemic, and (mostly) working from our tiny, expensive homes have really taken our laziness and lack of focus up a notch. Nothing sounds less appealing than walking to the grocery store. Going into that fluorescent-lit hell hole means having to talk to people. And it means leaving the house. Which is simply unacceptable and certainly undesirable. That's when we open the Instacart app and pay someone else to do it for us. Washing clothes in the dingey,…
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AnnaLynne McCord, influencer, celebrity twitter, cringe, putin, russia, ukraine, wtf, facepalm, roast, russia, memes, twitter memes

Actress Recites Bizarre Poem to Putin in Mortifying Video, Gets Brutally Roasted

In times of crisis, cringe is inevitable, it seems. Especially on Twitter. Remember back in 2020 when Gal Gadot and a bunch of other Hollywood stars sang John Lennon's “Imagine” in one of the most impressive displays of cringe the internet had ever seen? Well it seems that influencers and celebs haven't learned a thing from that atrocity. They just can't help themselves. This week's Main Character is actor Dear Mister President Vladimir Putin… — AnnaLynne McCord (@IAM…
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Giant Sexy Shrek is Being Found All Over the World Thanks to a viral TikTok trend

Giant Sexy Shrek is Being Found All Over the World Thanks to TikTok

A giant sexy Shrek in stilettos and a black sleek leather jumpsuit is taking over the skies in places all over the world—a true jet-setting material swamp girl.
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ukraine, russia, vladimir putin, united states, war, ukraine memes, history memes, world war 3, cold war, war memes, news, international politics

Ukraine-Russia Conflict Memes for People Who Prefer to Laugh In the Midst of Crisis

What do we do in times of international crisis, impending doom, and possibly the threat of world war? Meme about it of course! If you haven't heard, there's trouble brewing (once again) in Eastern Europe as Russia gears up to "perform peacekeeping functions" in the separatist republics of eastern Ukraine . Plebs like us are mostly just confused, but that doesn't mean we can't make dumb jokes and memes about an international crisis whose complex history dates back to the Cold War. If you feel to…
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Ukraine postss anti-russia meme

Ukraine Posts Anti-Russia Meme Amid Tension, the Internet Gleefully Joins the Fun

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Funny dank memes about the recent fires at Chernobyl | Chernobyl radiation levels spike as forest fires rage By Rob Picheta, CNN Updated 7:04 AM EDT, Mon April 06, 2020 April: u/MrYoggi This is where fun begins. star wars prequels | the it crowd Ukraine wildfires creep closer Chernobyl TheHill Madd BNows God Wildfire P'l just put this over here with rest Power Plant

The Chernobyl Wildfires Are 2020's Latest Little 'Surprise'

This is getting ridiculous.
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Funny story about Keanu Reeves Sad keanu meme ending up in a Ukrainian history textbook | iconic black and white vintage photograph 30 Rockefeller Plaza Lunch Atop A Skyscraper showing row of construction workers sitting on beam steelwork photoshop keanu reeves red circle

Sad Keanu Meme Accidentally Makes It Into Ukrainian Textbook

Great fact checking, people.
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Funny memes about Eastern Europe | news report Catholic priest blesses newly opened McDonald's restaurant Polish town Naklo nad Noteci ceremony attended by deputy mayor and district administrator. Bulgaria Bulgarian history books. Bulgaria any other history book.

Twenty-Seven Eastern European Memes And Pics To Czech Out

На здоровье!
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Funny roasts of instagram influencers taking selfies in pripyat ukraine chernobyl disaster.

'Influencers' Are Getting Roasted For Attention-Seeking Chernobyl Photo Ops

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Chernobyl memes from the HBO Chernobyl miniseries about the nuclear disaster in 1986 | Person - Humans Biorobots | Man - Why are dressed like cooks reactor exploding Because are about cook These hotpockets are still cold middle

36 Chernobyl Memes To Help You Deal With The Bleakest Show On TV

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Chernobyl pics and unsettling memes

28 Unsettling Photos From Chernobyl That'll Give You Goosebumps

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Parking is Hard All Over the World

tanks FAIL gifs ukraine - 8489768960

Ukraine Gymnasts Are Incredible

gifs funny gymnasts ukraine frankie original - 7913212928
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