
relationships, dating, ghosting, communication, dating apps, message, text message, debate, twitter, twitter thread

'Just tell me you're "busy with work and family!" I'll take the hint': HR-style break up message prompts debate about relationship overcommunication

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40 Memes That Let The Sunshine In

parenting, baby, kids, relationships, home, twitter, twitter thread, reddit, argument

'This baby is 0% my responsbility': Harsh mom kicks out entitled pregnant 19 year old daughter after she asks for free babysitting

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'You should never get children pets': 20+ unpopular opinions about pet ownership

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46 Totally Hilarious Memes for the Goober Within All of Us

drinking, aging, beauty, straw, tiktok, twitter, twitter thread, dystopia, influencer, appearance

'And we act surprised when 10 year olds are in Sephora': TikToker promotes 'anti-wrinkle straws', gets roasted by the internet

twitter, twitter thread, dogs, kids, children, babies, parenting, controversy, restaurant, pub

'I will take a child over a literal animal in a food establishment any day': Childless millennial sparks controversy praising kid free, dog friendly pub

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39 Memes to Aid in the Transition to Springtime

twitter, jobs, job, future tech, Twitter Thread, bad jobs, job applications, twitter reactions, tweets, Tech, tweet, artificial intelligence, twitter discourse, job application

Job posting demands 10 years experience using Generative AI, despite ChatGPT coming out less than 2 years ago: 'Ideal candidate will have good time-travelling skills'

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'One of the more humiliating staples of the Minimum Wage Job Search ritual': People ponder tricky interview questions for entry level jobs

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'The time of jacked nerd is here': Fitness bros clown Mark Zuckerberg for video doing leg presses

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'Tfw your baby is gift giving and the gifts do NOT smell good': New mom gets roasted for claiming her baby has a 'love language'

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29-year-old tech worker making $400K annually working 20 hours a week complains about being bored: 'If he quits, good luck finding half that amount'

relationships, clothes, fashion, appearance, men, girlfriend, boyfriend, insult, argument, reddit, twitter, twitter thread

Audacious man 'accidentally' insults girlfriend's dress sense, gets roasted by the internet: 'No matter how women perform femininity, it will be wrong'

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'If people did this population would be 73': Life coach claims people need to have their life together before dating, gets roasted for her high standards

kitchen, cooking, debate, open plan, interior design, twitter, twitter thread

'Home renovation shows in 20-30 years will be erecting walls to heal the damage': People debate the downfalls of open plan kitchens