twitter thread

Funny story from Twitter about a kid smuggling a toaster to school to make Pop Tarts

Kid Smuggles Toaster Into School to Make Pop Tarts, Charms the Internet

lego star wars, lego, princess leia, cleavage, satire, funny, irony, twitter thread, funny tweets, memes, Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga

Ironic Tweet About Lego Princess Leia's Missing Cleavage Causes Mayhem on Twitter

cute pics, aww, animals, wholesome, hide and seek, pets, cats, dogs, twitter thread, funny tweets, kids, parenting

Cute & Funny Pics of Pets Playing Hide and Seek (Badly)

video games, advertising, ads, 90s, nostalgic, nintendo, game boy, funny, twitter thread, funny tweets, wtf, lol

Funny Thread Looks Back on Unhinged Video Game Ads From the 90s

Twitter thread about birds that look like Guy Fieri

Twitter Thread Celebrates Birds That Look Like Guy Fieri

walking, walk, transport, twitter thread, debate, cultural difference, exercise

Twitter Users Argue Whether 23 Minutes Is A Long Time To Walk

Funny conspiracy theory about Phineas and Ferb criminals, money laundering

Entertaining Theory Suggests Phineas and Ferb Were Money Launderers

work, illness, job, vacation, coworkers, manager, surgery, job, dystopia, twitter thread

Company Causes Outcry Asking Employees To Donate PTO For Sick Co-Worker

password, passwords, account, funny twitter, twitter thread, frustrating, security, internet

Amusing Thread Commiserates Over Getting Cocky About Remembering Passwords

language, languages, lost in translation, translation, foreign language, interesting, funny twitter, twitter thread

Weird And Overly Literal Translations That Are Both Poetic And Rude

water, water bottle, cup, cups, kitchen, kitchenware, theory, hydration, twitter, funny twitter, twitter thread

“Big Cup Theory” Converts Twitter As The Best Way To Drink Water

phone, phone call, talking, communication, anxiety, socially awkward, twitter, twitter thread

People Debate If We Should Be Getting Stressed Over Phone Calls

Steve Wilhite, gifs, gif, computer science, inventor, RIP, memes, internet, funny memes, twitter thread, twitter

The Internet Honors the Late Stephen Wilhite, Creator of the GIF

gaming memes, funny memes, kirby memes, video games, kirby and the forgotten land, funny tweets, twitter memes, nintendo, nintendo switch, kirby and the forgotten land

Adorable Gameplay of Kirby Fishing in 'Forgotten Land' Inspires Nostalgia-Tinged Memes

dad, dads, kids, babies, changing table, public restroom, toilets, family, twitter thread

Frustrated Dad Laments Lack Of Public Facilities For Fathers And Kids

left, left handed, twitter thread, problems, awkward, funny twitter

Left Handers Share The Trials, Tribulations And Strange Anecdotes That Come With Their Trait