twitter thread

Article about a Tweet where a dude slides into woman's hinge DMs hoping to meet up with her friend, only to discover it's

Dude Slides Into Woman's DMs To Flirt With Her Friend, Not Knowing Her "Friend" Is Hilary Duff

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Brutal Banter Between Male Friends That Treads A Fine Line Between Comedy And Tragedy

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Matt Damon Eloquently Explains Why They Don't Make Movies Like They Used to on 'Hot Ones'

An article about Twitter users discussing which character from the movie Mean Girls (2004) was the meanest

People Debate Which Character From Mean Girls Was The Meanest

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People Share Ways to Turn the Tables on a Potential Employer in a Job Interview

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Enlightening Thread Explains Why Most Companies Don’t Like Pay Transparency

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Funniest Twitter Thread Has People Answering the Age Old Question That’s Been Stumping Men for Centuries

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People Discuss How LinkedIn Is the Ultimate Self-Esteem Killer

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Man Gets Charming Note From Neighbor, Starts Thread on the Ups and Downs of Living Near Others

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People Share the Wildest Things Their Parents Caught Them Doing as Kids

A former Subway worker recalls the story behind the worst sandwich they ever made, comprised primarily of a pool of ranch.

Customer Orders Vile Sandwich With Unbelievable Ingredients

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Job Applicant Duped By Parking Scam, Both Anger And Hilarity Ensues

Article about a woman who left out a hilarious note for her neighbor who was going through her packages.

Nosy Neighbor Gets Caught On Camera Snooping Through Woman's Packages

Article about Twitter discourse regarding SpongeBob's once unacknowledged kill list.

Guy Exposes Spongebob's Kill Count In Shocking Twitter Thread

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Dude Provides Fascinating Explanation About Why Doritos Are So Addictive

Crazy twitter thread about ants, oleic acid, death ritual, trix, ant farm

Dad Discovers Ant Death Ritual With a Bizarre Scientific Explanation