
Twitter Thread

kids, child, children, coffee, starbucks, influencer, tiktok, twitter, twitter thread, controversy, nails

'Give these kids a proper childhood': Child influencer drinks coffee and wears acrylic nails, horrifies Twitter

This feels wrong
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gifts, gift guide, gift, valentines day, valentine, relationships, relationship drama, relationship advice, relationship tweets, marriage, husband, wife, twitter, twitter thread, twitter discourse

'Definitely got a lot of explaining to do': Resentful wife is suspicious of husband's Valentine's gift to sister-in-law

What tangled webs we weave
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plane, airplane, flight, passenger, twitter, twitter thread, funny twitter, door, air rage, freakout, public freakout

'Me and 5 other dudes had to wrestle him': Passenger tries to open airplane door mid-flight, prompts Renaissance painting response

He got tackled
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mansplaining, mansplain, golf, golf cart, sports, pro sports, funny, viral videos, viral, twitter thread, twitter discourse, twitter video, video, women, men vs women

Mansplaining Golfer doesn't realize he's talking to a PGA professional, cringe ensues: 'This is actually mental'

Big mistake. HUGE!
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daycare, parenting, mom, daughter, babysitting, babysitter, kids, childcare, tiktok, twitter, twitter thread, debate, controversy

'A part time orphanage is crazy': Mom drops 6-year-old daughter at 24 hour daycare, sparks debate about childcare

It could be useful for some
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delivery, dog, dogs, controversy, twitter, twitter thread, amazon, customers, customer service, amazon, special delivery

'Ain't no way I'm making that delivery': Delivery person calls out customer for letting neighbor's dog roam in yard

'If you're scared of dogs, get a different job'
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tweets, funny tweets, relatable tweets, twitter, funny, funny twitter, twitter reactions, x

25+ Funniest Tweets From Golden Era Twitter

Still fresh
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twitter, twitter memes, funny twitter, twitter thread, twitter reactions, twitter story, crazy, wild, funny, funny tweets, confession, out of pocket, absurd, dangerous, silly

25+ Wild Tweets From Users With No Filter

You can't un-Tweet it
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twitter, twitter thread, tweets, twitter discourse, work, work stories, adulting, adult, society, have you ever noticed, dentist, doctor, appointment, funny, nine to five

Adults Point out the Absurdity of the 9-5 Schedule, Dream of Night Dentists

Need a night doctor
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gen z, millennials, funny millennials, zoomer, generations, debate, phones, cell phone, phone calls, scammers, etiquette, discussion, twitter, twitter thread, twitter discourse

'Who has the time to give undivided attention for a phone call?': Gen-Z and millennials debate leaving their phones on 'Do Not Disturb' 24/7

In the words of Drake, "Soon as you see the text reply me."
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cooking, eating, food, chips, fries, english breakfast, english, uk, america, usa, twitter, tiktok, twitter thread

'Never felt patriotism before I saw this': Americans trash UK cooking, restart the international food wars

We both love fried slop
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photoshop, interior design, funny, funny twitter, twitter, twitter thread, creative, stairs

'That's your house's SD card slot': Interior designers fantasize about how to fill under stair space

Everybody's so creative
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fresh twitter Twitter Thread fresh tweets trending memes viral tweets twitter memes viral trending funny tweets trending tweets funny twitter celebrity twitter funny - 24543237

45 of the Freshest and Funniest Tweets of the Week (February 17, 2024)

Tweeters gonna tweet
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job, jobs, working, dishwasher, job application, test, personality test, ai, artificial intelligence, wtf, food service

'Personality tests train people to lie to their employers': People express dismay at dishwasher job application using AI personality test

Job hunting just got worse
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twitter, school, Twitter Thread, reading, african american, at school, florida, books, library, book, Black History Month, black twitter, parent, twitter discourse, black, parents

'The endgame is Fahrenheit 451': School district requires parent's permission to read a book by an African American author

So bleak
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restaurant, hospitality, loud, music, noise, noisy, twitter, twitter thread, customer, dining

'Restaurants are just too loud': Diners complain about music noise when eating out

We need to hear each other speak
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