
20-year-old woman refuses to give 18-year-old stepsister thousands from her late bio mom's inheritance after years of an intense sisterly feud: ‘I said no’

20-year-old woman refuses to lend 18-year-old stepsister thousands from her late bio mom's inheritance after years of an intense sisterly feud: ‘I said no’

landlord, money, tuition, discourse, twitter, discourse, twitter, twitter thread, tenant, children, education, family

Landlord provokes discourse by spending 7 years secretly setting aside rent money to put towards the education of her tenants' daughters: 'Why do you assume you know how to manage their money better than they do?'

18-year-old woman refuses to share extra $20k in scholarship cash with her 25-year-old boyfriend's mother, sparking a rift between them: ‘I’m losing my mind here’

18-year-old woman refuses to share extra $20k in scholarship cash with her boyfriend and his mother, sparking a rift between them: ‘I’m losing my mind here’

reddit stories, family, feud, family feud, sister, parents, mom, dad, college, college tuition, reddit, work, money, marriage, future

Man's 21-year-old sister expects him to pay her college tuition because he pays for his fiancée's, he refuses to set a money-grabbing precedent in the family: ‘I’ve worked hard to be where I am’

family drama inheritance tuition kids sibling rivalry parenting petty entitled family stepdad college parents children entitled people - 37411589

17-Year-Old Son Stands Up to Mom Who Tried to Steal His Inheritance from His Late Father for Stepsiblings’ College Tuition: 'I asked if she really thinks he'd want the money to be used on random kids'

Daughter Sues Parents After They Use Her College Funds for Brother's Wedding, Tearing the Family Apart

Daughter Sues Parents After They Use Her College Funds for Brother's Wedding, Tearing the Family Apart

UPDATE: Daughter Sues Parents After They Use Her College Funds for Brother's Wedding, Tearing the Family Apart

UPDATE: Daughter Sues Parents After They Use Her College Funds for Brother's Wedding, Tearing the Family Apart

'You're abandoning your family': Hospital Worker Refuses to Help Sister with Kids after Being Told She Was Wasting Money by Putting Foster Daughter in Private School

'You're abandoning your family': Hospital Worker Refuses to Help Sister with Kids after Being Told She Was Wasting Money by Putting Foster Daughter in Private School