
true facts

interesting observations and secrets from a librarian | grumpwitch Things have learned about general public whilst working at library: 1 huge number people under 20 can't read face clocks, having grown up with only digital one. 2. Many people don't know spell "library s our email address. This causes problems

24 Fascinating Library Secrets Every Librarian Wants You To Know

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Not Fun facts submitted by reddit users. | r/AskReddit Join u/slayeris471 9h O 1 2 160 e 110 3 115 1 121 is NOT fun fact? WrongJohnSilver 8h 8 5 Awards man once had tapeworm get cancer cancer metastasized, and man died tumors tapeworm throughout his entire body. Reply 18.7k

28 Bleak Facts That Are The Opposite Of Fun

Womp womp
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Cheeky Answers That Feel Wrong But Are Technically Accurate

Where's the lie?
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Funny tweets about things that people recently learned | Talaya @talayafromspace today years old found out nanny's name Parent Trap is not Jessie. Chessy Fictional character OVERVIEW PLAYED BY MOVIE VIDEOS PEOPI | today years old found out broccoli is made. cauliflower painted green

Amusing Facts People Learned When They Were 'Today Years Old'

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This Is Not False

Funny meme that reads, "Interesting fact #204: donuts are healthier than crystal meth" above a photo of a donut
Via LetsTalkAboutMuttsBaby
Interesting facts about astronomy

Riveting Space Facts For The Astro Nerds

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Deep thoughts, shower thoughts. | People hate writing essays school, yet will willingly write 10-paragraph long essay with sources win an argument online.

20 Deep AF Shower Thoughts For Your Pondering Pleasure

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10 Times Clueless Anti-Vaxxers Got Completely Owned By Logic

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Just Trying To Spread Some Knowledge Here

Pic of a little girl, who represents "Strangers at the party" crying and being cornered by toy dinosaurs, that represent "Me with dinosaur facts"
Via CodyBurkett
wtf facts that will blow your mind

14 Totally True Facts That'll Warp Your Mind

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wtf facts, creepy facts, weird facts, uncomfortable truths, uncomfortable facts, weird, information, humans, drugs, life, death. | Wasps can remember people's faces. | Person - 60 people can't have 10 minute conversation without telling at least one lie.

22 Uncomfortable Facts That Will Make You Feel All Kinds Of Weird

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People Discuss the Most Insane Things People at Their Work Used Company Credit Cards For

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Facts From 'The Dark Knight'

26 Amazing Facts From 'The Dark Knight'

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wtf useless facts

44 Fairly Useless Facts You Probably Don't Really Need to Know

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askreddit the best myths that people believe

Reddit Reveals 16 Myths That Are Frequently Repeated But Just Aren't True

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Your Move, Central Nervous System… Your Move

tea true facts image - 8992957952
Via pleatedjeans