

Funny dank memes featuring Snape from Harry Potter saying, "You dare use my own spells against me, Potter?" | Calls my mum Mum: Yes Doesn't reply Mum dare use my own spells against Potter? dad really disappointed hi really disappointed dad dad dare use my own spells against Potter?

Dank 'Harry Potter' Memes Feature Snape Getting A Taste Of His Own Medicine

"You dare use my own spells against me, Potter?"
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Funny dank memes entitled, "Girl Putting Tuba on Girl's Head" | girl pointing big tuba at another girl completely covering her face. just trying shut my computer down Windows trying update.  Toss coin to witcher Witcher fans

'Girl Putting Tuba On Girl's Head' Memes Are Really In Your Face

The tuba is deafening.
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Funny dank memes from Grand Theft Auto entitled, "You're a Genius, You Moron" | teacher asks question dumb kid and he actually gives right answer: Teacher genius moron

Trending GTA V Meme Is An Oxymoron At Its Finest

Insult your dumb friends with these!
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The Greatest Crossover

Funny tweet that reads, "That meme with the cat but The Office" above two stills of characters from The Office
Via anlyin
Funny dank memes entitled "Math is Math" from The Incredibles | get answer right but teacher counts as wrong because didn't do her way Math is Math! not as bad as tHoSe people God: Sin is Sin!

'Math Is Math' Is The Newest Dank Meme From 'The Incredibles 2'

Math is MATH!
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Funny dank memes entitled, "What, you egg?" | bit from a shakespeare play where someone gets stabbed after calling somebody else an egg, followed by english teachers reaction depicted by kermit looking forlornly out of a window. another meme is a waffle labeled with the line from the play, with a content looking cat sitting next to it labeled as english teachers

'What, You Egg?' Memes Roast High School English Teachers

*Something something something* blue curtains!
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This Year Summed Up In Memes

Funny meme summing up memes in 2019, including Baby Yoda, Keanu Reeves, a banana taped to a wall, and a can of White Claw with a slight hint of Jesus
Via fillingupmycup
Funny dank memes | illuminati started 1776 Triangles before 1776 Man sucks be blind, cant see shit bruh. gru in a bucket hat throwing gang signs while kneeling above a boombox SoundCloud rappers after they rhyme "yeah" with “yeah"

Eighteen Dank Memes From The Strange Depths Of The Internet

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Funny dank memes featuring Mr. Rogers entitled, "I'm Not Very Good, But It Doesn't Matter" | being holy, Roman or an Empire Holy Roman Empire

Mr. Rogers Memes Representing Things We're Awful At

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Funny memes about 'The Mandalorian'

Mandalorian Memes For The Star Wars Fans Who Just Can't Get Enough

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Funny reaction memes and tweets to Belle Delphine getting arrested

Belle Delphine Posts Her Mugshot On Twitter (12 Reactions)

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Memes And Reactions Vape Ban

Our Favorite Memes And Reactions To Trump's Vape Ban

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Funny memes entitled, 'The Trickster' that are from the game 'Destiny 2'

'The Trickster' Is A Meme From 'Destiny 2' That's Full Of Tomfoolery

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Funny 'Assassination Chain' memes

'Assassination Chain' Is A Dank Meme About A Metaphorical Food Chain

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Funny dank memes entitled "Yellow Glasses Guy"

Dank 'Yellow Glasses Guy' Memes (14 Memes)

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You're It

Funny 'Do it Again' meme about playing tag
Via DrakonixYT

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