

ADHD tiktok is going viral with sounds that describe how it feels

"How ADHD Sounds": Mashups and Soundbites Trending on TikTok Right Now That Are Helping the World Understand ADHD

The possibilities are endless when it comes to “how” ADHD sounds, but some TikTokers are really hitting the nail on the head and helping people who don't have ADHD understand a little better.
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Funny trending sound on TikTok, makes people accidentally be irresponsible

This Week's Newest Trending Sound on TikTok Has People Hilariously Tripping Into Avoiding Their Responsibilities

People are trying to get work done, follow diets, be responsible, but Bruno Mars' “Talking to the Moon” is ruining that for TikTokers—the song has people tripping right back into old habits.
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