

antiwork, workplace stories, toxic manager, work stories, toxic workplace, job, terrible bosses, bad jobs, work, toxic management, ceo, toxic boss, bad bosses, toxic work environment

'You should be working 12 hour days': Tech CEO tells employees they aren't working enough, demands they work 8 AM-9 PM Monday-Friday

No, you shouldn't
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micromanager, manager, managers, toxic manager, task manager, boss, toxic boss, horrible bosses, toxic workplace, toxic work environment, antiwork, work stories, workplace, tardy, late

Micromanager boss reprimands employee for arriving '2-3 minutes' late from lunch: 'Companies pay people good money to babysit adults'

Nobody likes a backseat driver
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manager, managers, toxic manager, boss, bosses, toxic boss, terrible bosses, work, workplace, workplace stories, toxic workplace, antiwork, work stories, reddit, reddit thread

'It's not your job to Cover shifts': Manager expects employee to work off the clock, employee threatens to quit

That is simply not my job
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boss, antiwork, toxic manager, school, job, terrible bosses, bad jobs, work, toxic management, parenting, good parenting, toxic boss, high school, bad bosses

'The other staff are also in school': Boss schedules 15-year-old worker during school hours, makes the teen find a cover

That's not right
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management, sick days, antiwork, toxic manager, employee, manager, sick day, work, toxic management, reddit story, horrible management, employees, managers, Reddit

Management takes away employee's sick day if they're 1 minute late for 4 shifts; 'Is this legal?'

Why is this so incomprehensible?
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management, shift, antiwork, toxic manager, manager, work, toxic management, reddit story, horrible management, managers, reddit thread, Reddit, money, terrible management

'Add another zero': Manager offers ex-employee $50 to work a shift, claims to be desperate for staff

Only $50 desperate?
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management, antiwork, meetings, toxic manager, jobs, employee, manager, job, meeting, bad jobs, work, toxic management, working, horrible management, managers

Manager Secretly Records 1-On-1 With Employee, Accidentally Sends It to Him

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management, antiwork, workplace stories, toxic manager, jobs, employee, part time, toxic workplace, manager, job, work, on call, employees, workplace, full time

Part-Time Job Demands Employee Be 'On Call' From 9-6

That sounds a little full-time to me
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linkedin, work, workplace, workplace stories, hr, human resources, manager, managers, Social Media, antiwork, toxic manager, reddit, reddit thread, reddit story, management

'Multiple managers viewed my LinkedIn profile': Worker sets LinkedIn status to 'open to work' after HR puts them on a performance improvement plan

Make them sweat
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management, schedule, antiwork, toxic manager, day off, employee, manager, work, toxic management, managers, Reddit, toxic workplace, toxic boss, toxic work environment

'Suggest a solution': Manager forces employee to manage herself after scheduling her on her day off

That's not helpful
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toxic manager, vacations, jobs, employee, manager, job, toxic management, reddit story, human resources, managers, mildly infuriating, Reddit, job interview, vacation

'They said it wouldn’t be a problem': Manager denies employees vacation request after it was approved during job interview

Shady shady shady
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management, salary, antiwork, toxic manager, employee, hr, manager, work, coworkers, employer, employees, pay, human resources, managers, payment, money

'Should I be concerned?': Worker confronts HR representative after their manager bans employees from discussing pay

"Be not afraid" -The Law
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management, dogs, toxic manager, employee, toxic workplace, manager, pets, toxic management, time off, toxic boss, shame, managers, toxic work environment

Toxic Management Puts Employee on a "Wall of Shame" For Calling Out After Her Dog Died

How low can you get?
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Interview, job interview, interviews, salary, money, job, recruiter, recruiting, antiwork, work, toxic workplace, toxic work environment, toxic manager, twitter discourse

Interviewer Rejects Candidate After He Guesses The Salary Range Incorrectly

Even after he was okay with the lower salary!
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rules, ok boomer, workplace stories, boomer, teenager, toxic workplace, job, teenage, bad jobs, teenagers, work, boomers, workplace, toxic work environment, toxic manager

Teen Receives Absurd List of "Rules" On Her First Day of Work

Sounds like a pretty cynical worldview
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management, promotion, antiwork, toxic-manager, employee, manager, upper management, promotions, horrible management, raise, employees, managers, overworked employees

Manager Refuses to Promote Employee Because He's 'Too Good At What He's Doing Now'

Time to start applying
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