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'Block her number and move on': Boutique owner gifts employee jumpsuit from her store, demands it back when employee injures herself

A gift’s a gift
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antiwork, workplace stories, toxic manager, work stories, toxic workplace, job, terrible bosses, bad jobs, work, toxic management, ceo, toxic boss, bad bosses, toxic work environment

'You should be working 12 hour days': Tech CEO tells employees they aren't working enough, demands they work 8 AM-9 PM Monday-Friday

No, you shouldn't
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company, companies, boss, toxic boss, horrible bosses, bosses, terrible bosses, donate, donations, pto, money, take my money, antiwork, work, workplace stories, toxic workplace, workplace

Billion-dollar company asks $19.95/hour wage workers to donate to colleague: 'I don't make enough to save my coworkers from disaster'

Isn't that your job?
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micromanager, manager, managers, toxic manager, task manager, boss, toxic boss, horrible bosses, toxic workplace, toxic work environment, antiwork, work stories, workplace, tardy, late

Micromanager boss reprimands employee for arriving '2-3 minutes' late from lunch: 'Companies pay people good money to babysit adults'

Nobody likes a backseat driver
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job, jobs, bad jobs, on the job, working, workplace, workplace stories reddit, workplace story, toxic workplace, toxic work environment, toxic boss, toxic management, bonus, gift, antiwork, reddit story

Employee is rewarded with a granola bar and dollar store headphones for bringing in $85,000: 'Genuinely ready quit!'

Gee, thanks.
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manager, managers, toxic manager, boss, bosses, toxic boss, terrible bosses, work, workplace, workplace stories, toxic workplace, antiwork, work stories, reddit, reddit thread

'It's not your job to cover shifts': Manager expects employee to work off the clock, employee threatens to quit

That is simply not my job
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boss, antiwork, toxic manager, school, job, terrible bosses, bad jobs, work, toxic management, parenting, good parenting, toxic boss, high school, bad bosses

'The other staff are also in school': Boss schedules 15-year-old worker during school hours, makes the teen find a cover

That's not right
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work, workplace, coworkers, workplace stories, toxic workplace, antiwork, toxic work environment, work stories, illness, sick day, toxic boss, toxic management, reddit, reddit thread

'We are replaceable': Unlucky worker gets swiftly replaced after calling out of one shift

A singular shift?
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Company takes 6 PTO days away from employee for taking too many days off in 2023, despite the company not having PTO in 2023: 'Is this LEGAL???'

How does that work?
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job, jobs, job hunt, bad jobs, boss, bosses, toxic boss, like a boss, work, workplace, workplace stories, toxic workplace, antiwork, work stories, reddit, reddit thread, askreddit

'You owe them zip': Employee sends biting reply to boss who withheld PTO payout

Great text fodder
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fired, getting fired, i got fired today, got fired, company, employee, employment, employees, unemployment, work, workplace, workplace stories, toxic workplace, toxic boss

‘We are all mercenaries. Act like it’: Cold-blooded company fires employee on their 2 year anniversary

Workplace betrayal at its finest
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work, workplace, workplace stories, toxic workplace, antiwork, work stories, toxic work environment, toxic boss, horrible bosses, company, terrible bosses, bad bosses, pto, paid time off

'I'm at a loss for words': Company asks employees to 'donate' PTO to cover loyal worker's leave

This isn't the Salvation Army
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reviews, libel, jobs, review, job, bad jobs, funny reviews, work, slander, glassdoor, ceo, company, antiwork, toxic workplace, toxic boss, toxic work environment

'Slander is illegal and can cost you lots and lots of money': Aggressive CEO replies to negative Glassdoor review, proves the reviewer right

That's libel babe
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boss, antiwork, employee, job, terrible bosses, bad jobs, work, i quit, quit, employer, toxic boss, workplace, Horrible Bosses, bad bosses, quitting story, quitting

'There's even an At-Will clause in my contract': Boss refuses to accept employee's resignation, threatens to sue him for quitting

"At Will" means quitting is allowed
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reddit, reddit thread, reddit story, subreddit, antiwork, work, workplace, toxic workplace, work stories, workplace stories, toxic boss, toxic work environment, nightmare fuel, bad bosses

'Something out of a dystopian novel’: Evil company surreptitiously takes photos of employees throughout their work day

This is crazy
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reddit, reddit thread, reddit story, subreddit, antiwork, workplace, workplace stories reddit, toxic workplace, toxic work environment, work stories, boss, toxic boss, employee, employees

'I would rather get no recognition': Worker goes beyond call of duty to save company millions of dollars, is rewarded with a $30 gift card

Guess I'll stay bad at my job
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