

toothbrush, brushing, clean, dirty, hygiene, bad hygiene, debate, controversy, twitter, twitter thread, bathroom, gross, disgusting

Fastidious Brusher Shames People Who Keep Their Toothbrush in the Bathroom, Start Debate on Cleanliness

It's too much
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Dental dentist dentist-memes memes funny relatable PhD doc doctor dentist-appointment cleaning teeth tooth brush floss brushing flossing

9/10 Dentists Recommend These Memes: 34 Toothtastic Memes to Floss Your Funny Bone

Gum-stabbing memes guaranteed to give you a goofy grin
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dentist, doctor, Hospital, health, unhealthy, toothbrush, teeth, toothpaste, tooth, hygiene, cleaning, memes, funny memes, relatable memes, relatable, Childhood, healthcare, care, scary

24 Dentist Memes for Anxious Patients and Tooth Care Connoisseurs

Fearing the dentist is a strange, but reasonable fear. Most people don't fear a check-up from a general care practitioner , so why is the dental check-up so fearsome? It really comes down to the fact that if you've let your teeth go, there's a pretty good chance that the dentist will want to put a drill inside your mouth. Obviously, they want to help you, but the idea of the equipment literally digging into your exposed bone gets a little scary. I find it best to just take good care of your tee…
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hygiene, shower, toothbrushing, water, natural, doctor, gross, tiktok

Doctor Roasted For Claiming He Doesn't Use Personal Hygiene Products

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That, And I Magically Start Flossing Again

Funny meme about brushing your teeth more than normal in order to prepare for a dentist appointment toothbrush loaded with toothpaste | you have a dentist appointment
Via MohAki1
stock photo tooth cleaning twitter dentist teeth flossing funny tweets toothpaste dental toothbrush - 7611141

15 Toothy Dentist Memes That Deserve A Plaque

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Caption that reads, "How that one out of dentist who doesn't recommend Sensodyne be at the annual dental conference" above a pic of Vegita from Dragonball Z looking annoyed in the corner
Via JustAWeirdLoser

Believe Me

Caption about the dentist stabbing your gums 30 times during a cleaning telling you to floss more, above a pic of Donald Trump saying, "Wrong"
Via JamesONarwal

Can't Argue With That Logic

dudes wtf gross toothbrush - 8600263936
Via beigency

So That's Why You Brushed Me Off

web comics toothbrush romance So That's Why You Brushed Me Off
Via lolnein

How to Clean Your Hedgehog

Via Bing

How to Clean Your Hedgehog

Via Bing

Using a Toothbrush to Clean a Cat's Forehead

gifs cute Cats toothbrush - 8540683520

Time to Brush Those Teeth

monkeys gifs critters toothbrush - 8530755840

How Else Do You Clean Your Ears

Harry Potter funny toothbrush - 8391028736

Puppy Keeps Those Teeth Clean

gifs puppies toothbrush - 8358352640
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