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30 Hilarious Construction Worker Memes to Brighten Up Your 4am Weekend Wake-up Call (May 11, 2024)

warm weather szn is upon us
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24 Hilarious Construction Worker Memes to Brighten Up Your 4am Weekend Wake-up Call

fueled by energy drinks and Tylenol
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tools, dad, repair, repairman, swimming pool, funny, wholesome, funny twitter, men

Wholesome Thread Delights In Vacation Dads Fascinated With Pool Repairmen

If Father’s Day card designs are anything to go by, many men of a certain age enjoy the simple things in life. Sports, beer and fart jokes probably take the top spot, but a solid runner up has to be power tools. There are few more intimate relationships than a dad and the immaculately equipped toolbox in the garage that he never touches, apart from when another man’s tools are involved. This essential truth has been elegantly proved by @ellieq , when she came across some repairmen replacing a p…
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Quality Control

Funny meme about testing tongs.
Via bestmemesperiod
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Watching a Pumpkin Get Carved With a Waterjet Might Be The Most Peaceful 30 Seconds of Your Day

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The Tiniest Excavator

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Created by ani.s4 ( Via Youtube )

What a Kludge

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Created by anselmbe

How Do I Drive This Thing?

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Adaptable Tools

Very funny GIF of a woman vacuuming fail in detaching the nozzle piece to help reach further.
Created by anselmbe
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This is Not a Drill, It's a List of GIFs Featuring Drills (And Other Tools) Operating in Slow Motion

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"They Were Cheap, I Promise!"

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The Measurement of Measuring

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They Were All Free...

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Use of Gardening Tools in Movies

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