

23 Tomato Memes That Look Like Vegetables But are Actually Fruit

23 Tomato Memes That Look Like Vegetables But are Actually Fruit

Tomatoes are gonna tomate. Memes are gonna tomeme.
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pizza memes, italian, tomato, Italy, pizza, pineapple, pasta, funny memes, spaghetti, italians, Memes, meme, italian food, funny meme, european, funny

'You mama'd your last-a mia': 30 Italian Memes Guaranteed to Gaba Your Gool

Be Italian
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A compilation of funny and random memes

Goofy Memes For Proud Goofy Goobers

I'm a Goofy Goober , yeah! You're a Goofy Goober, yeah! We're all Goofy Goobers, yeah! Goofy goofy, goober goober, yeah! If you've never wanted to go to the Nut Bar from The Spongebob Squarepants Movie and get yourself one of those sundaes with faces, I don't get you. That iconic 2004 movie was the perfect case study for why being a goofy goober is better than being a Squidward. Goofy gooberism was the force that allowed Spongebob and Patrick to ultimately defeat Plankton and his mind-controlli…
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tomatoes, tomato, cheese sandwich, food memes, lettuce, accidental gross, askreddit, cursed food, burgers and sandwiches, sandwiches, sandwich, break, gross food, food, Reddit, meat

People Discuss The Ingredients That Ruin a Sandwich

Choosing the right ingredients for a sandwich is essential, and even when you do everything right, your sandwich can still end up gross. I've made many questionable sandwich-topping choices throughout my life, and I'm at peace with that. I spent at least a calendar year ordering burgers with only pickles and onions on them; I can only imagine what my breath smelled like during that year. I also regularly got black olives on my sandwich when I went to Subway, and let's just say I wouldn't make t…
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Tolkien Tuesday, Lord of the rings, lord of the rings memes, relatable memes, dank memes, shitposts, evil x be like, funny, humor

Tolkien Tuesday #60: 35 Dank & Dumb 'Lord of the Rings' Memes

Precious memes...
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Potato, Potato

Pic of Winnie the Pooh next to text that reads, "Tomato" above a pic of Tuxedo Winnie the Pooh next to text that reads, "Tomato"
Via booksRmyfriends

RIP );

Caption that reads, "My tupperware for the rest of their life after eating something with tomato sauce in it" above a pic of Donald Trump with an orange face
Via basicbitchfoundation

Catch Up

Funny meme in the style of bae come over, but it's a vine tomato that looks like it is a running man
Via Sonny Side Up

Don't You Hate it When That Happens?

image subway puns Don't You Hate it When That Happens?
Via Swimmerkid97

Know Your Eurpoes

funny memes tomato vs potato europe
Via nalgenebottle

Tomato / Potato

class tomato swag funny - 7756450048

Heirloom Tomato Totally Looks Like Jack Skellington

tomato TLL jack skellington food funny - 6725159424
Created by hootie63

I Can Count To Tomato

facts fruit tomato vegetable - 6577744384
Created by Putnum

Dat Tamtoe

Dat Ash glasses tomato - 5833737728

Pizza Is NOT a Vegetable

america fruit Memes tomato - 5453101312
Created by blisher

Lame Pun Coon Eats Potatoes Without Tomatoes

eating fast fries ketchup Lame Pun Coon potato puns tomato - 4952179200
See all captions Created by broCz
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