


bathrooms toilets - 8287799808

There's No Doubt That Girls Have Hard Lives

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Via Pigminted

Glow in the Dark Toilet Strips Takes Their Research Very Seriously

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Two Ways to Pee

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So That's Why The Water Bill is So High

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Failed Experiment

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Created by ToolBee ( Via The Oatmeal )

What if You Go #2?

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How To Save Yourself From Total Disgust

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Created by anselmbe

The Porcelain Throne


One of the Most Dangerous Waters

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I'm Just Amazed There's an Outhouse Scaled For Them

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Via Poorly Drawn Dinosaurs

Business Time Conversation

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Via Bing

It's The Only Phrase He Knows How to Say

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Via Toonhole

Toilet Training Failure

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I Guess if You're Okay With Me Using Those...

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Let's Wipe Each Other!

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