

‘The main of honor confessed her love for the groom in her toast’: Redditors Share the Funniest and Wildest Wedding Toasts They Had Ever Heard

‘The maid of honor confessed her love for the groom in her toast’: Redditors Share the Funniest and Wildest Wedding Toasts They Had Ever Heard

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27 Classical Art Memes to Spread on Your Toast This Morning

27 Classical Art Memes to Spread on Your Toast This Morning

Memes to spread on your toast
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Are Millennials Killing Avocado Toast?

Epicurious tweet that reads, "Move over avocado. We're spreading peas on everything;" someone replies below, "No the f*ck we're not"
Via Angryolive

Garlic Bread Will Never Betray You

Pic of garlic bread with text that reads, "Only garlic bread has no 'end.' Garlic bread will always stay by your side, share to spread the truth"
Via battenburgers

The Children Are Our Future

Funny meme about sticking hand into toaster to prove not bread.
Via @memebase

Jamming: Not Even Once

Tweet that reads, "Give a man some jam and he can enjoy a nice piece of toast. Teach a man to jam and his Phish cover band will ruin your wedding"
Via ShawnicTheHedgehog

The Most British Thing You Ever Saw

Wikipedia entry explaining what a "toast sandwich" is
Via AlligatorTown
Funny listicle about twitter debate over how to properly cut toast, Sheffield Hallam university, party, food, bread.

A University Club Night Has Sparked An Intense Twitter Debate Over The Proper Way To Cut Toast

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art Van Gogh bread toast food win - 887557

Feast Your Eyes on These Famous Artworks Recreated in Slices of Bread

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Oh You Know, Just Loafing Around

Via amateurhourcomics

When Dad Passes Out After Family Dinner

trolling meme drunk dad covered in guacamole
Via scottbaiowfulf

Frickin' Mondays

Via Bing


butter toast happy - 4377446144
See all captions Created by salvobert

Should This Be Called Toastendo?

IRL toast nintendo - 7186373632
Via MyBurningEyes

Can't Wait to Get Old and Moldy

funny memes adult bread toast

Every Fricking Time

Via Ted Adair
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