

Life lessons that people learned at great personal cost.

Lessons People Learned at Great Personal Cost

Learn from their experiences.
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tips, tipping, payment, coffee, barista, date, debate, tiktok

Man Gets Called Out On Coffee Date, Starts Debate About Tipping Etiquette

A red flag?
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dunkin donuts, employee, tiktok, food service, customer service, rude, tips, revenge, debate, controversy, coffee, drink

Customer Causes Controversy Taking Tips From Dunkin’ Worker Who Refused A Refund

Nobody came out of it looking good
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dunkin donuts, drink, coffee, tips, tipping, customers, food service, fast food, tiktok

Dunkin Worker Starts Controversy By Revealing The Special Treatment He Gives Tipping Customers

Tipping can be an etiquette minefield. How much to pay and what service you should pay for can mean very different things to different people. Not every hospitality worker relies on their tips to make up their wage, but a little extra money never goes amiss. As it turns out, this might buy you some privileges, too. According to Dunkin Donuts employee @jasonmora2 , he treats orders of customers differently depending on whether they tip or not. In a viral video, he demonstrated how the drink of s…
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server, waiter, tiktok, tips, tipping, heartwarming, wholesome, venmo

Server Has Heartwarming Reaction To Being Gifted Crowdfunded Tip

It can be a mean and unforgiving old world out there, and few people know that better than those who have to work with the general public. Hell hath no fury like an entitled customer ready to yell at a minimum wage worker , who more often than not has a lot on their plate before someone decides to get angry. To make things worse, many of those working in the hospitality industry are dependent on gaining tips and they are not always as generous as they could be. This is something which TikToker …
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funny tips and weird advice | Don't have bookmark? Try using Chex Mix instead | Just be yourself My 'self' is just an ever shifting collection desires and reflections Just have fun then

Weird And Dubiously Helpful Tips From Internet Strangers

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Wholesome twitter thread, weather, winter weather, texas, texans, winter storm uri, cold weather tips, freezing, deaths, galveston, houston, power outages | quick tip from a michigander dealing with a ton of snow too: if you find your car stuck in the snow, wedging your car mats under the car can help get it out! I keep old ones in my | Sound advice for southerners who are not experienced with driving in the snow If you drive on snow. just pretend you're taking grandma to church.

Twitter Users Share Winter Wisdom With Storm-Battered Texans

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Psychological life hacks for communication, for work, for getting ahead at work, for communicating, for feeding children, getting closer to people | CONFRONTATION: If think someone is going go off on meeting, sit right next them s extremely awk- ward talking bad about someone and being aggressive they're so close. No one wants sit right next person they just bad-mouthed, So they'll take easier on !

13 Psychological Life Hacks That Could Change Your Life

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Sexist dating standards for women from the 1930s | black and white vintage photo of couple on a date DON'T TALK ABOUT CLOTHES or try describe new gown man. Please and flatter date by talking about things he wants talk about

1930s Dating Advice Proving Life Was NOT Better Back In The Day

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funny bus safety tips david sopp iceland | Riding Tips: Helping Elderly GOOD BAD BESTA LEI man offering seat to grandma vs man holding grandma on top of him. Riding Tips: Activities on Ride GOOD BAD BESTA LEIÐ woman reading on bus vs woman clipping her nails on the bus

Icelandic Bus Company Uses Humor To Promote Safety

We're into this.
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Life hacks from Reddit

26 Clever Life Pro Tips That Pack A Punch Of That Sweet Knowledge

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tips to act like an adult

15 Snarky-Ass Tips To Make You Look Like A Halfway-Sophisticated Adult

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life hacks and tips

20 Crucial Common-Sense Tips That Are WAY Too Often Overlooked

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Student Life Hack?

Tweet that reads, "My essay is 642 words and I need 700;" someone replies with, "Change the word color to white and jwjbrjkreklshbfs away at your keyboard"
Via dgamerboi

Some Tips For You

Caption reads, "Five Ways to Appear Taller" above a bunch of ridiculous fake tips to seem taller
Via JackalRailroad
comedian trolls

Tip of the Day: Comedian Expertly Trolls X-Men Director Brett Ratner on Twitter Because Director Didn’t Tip

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