
time off

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25 Memes for Employees Cashing in Their PTO at the Beach

on a quest for the perfect seashell
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'Are you gonna have fun on your little bouncy castle?': Adults debate whether or not taking your birthday off work is an 'ick'

But it's my birthday...
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38 Memes to Stuff in Your Desk Drawer When You Take the Day Off

38 Memes to Stuff in Your Desk Drawer When You Take the Day Off

Take that PTO
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Company takes 6 PTO days away from employee for taking too many days off in 2023, despite the company not having PTO in 2023: 'Is this LEGAL???'

How does that work?
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time off, pto, vacation, vacations, work, workplace, workplace stories, toxic workplace, antiwork, toxic work environment, work stories, boss, bosses, reddit, reddit thread

Boss conveniently 'forgets' about employee's long-held time off request: 'Stop putting it on employees to solve staffing issues'

You can take the reservation, but you can't keep it
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antiwork, workplace stories, jobs, employee, toxic workplace, job, work, wives, wife, time off, employees, PTO, workplace, leave, surgery, toxic work environment

'I do not work there': Boss asks for doctor's note for employee's wife's surgery after she takes PTO to take care of her

It's none of his business
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toxic job, antiwork, workplace stories, toxic workplace, job, bad jobs, work, time off, PTO, workplace, company, paid time off, vacation, toxic work environment, working

'You have to work FIVE years to be eligible for 1 week of PTO': Company announces absurd PTO policy, denies any vacation time to employees with under 5 years at the company

This is absurd
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boss, horrible bosses, toxic boss, hr, human resources, time off, work, workplace, workplace stories, toxic workplace, antiwork, pto, vacation, reddit, reddit thread, reddit story

'Guess my last day is Friday!': Inconsiderate HR worker flagrantly denies time off request they previously approved

In a strange turn of events
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management, dogs, toxic manager, employee, toxic workplace, manager, pets, toxic management, time off, toxic boss, shame, managers, toxic work environment

Toxic Management Puts Employee on a "Wall of Shame" For Calling Out After Her Dog Died

How low can you get?
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Sad, boss, employee, toxic workplace, email, work, toxic management, time off, emails, toxic boss, PTO, cancer, workplace, company, toxic work environment

Company Asks Employees To Donate Their PTO So Their Coworker Can Spend Time With His Dying Wife

So heartless
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boss, horrible bosses, manager, fired, work, antiwork, jobs, funeral, time off, family, reddit, reddit thread, supervisor

Heartless Boss Cancels Employee’s Time Off for Mom’s Funeral, Threatens to Fire Her if She Goes

Where's the compassion?
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employee tired Paid-time-off time-off-work time off PTO overworked-employees vacation memes vacation - 21482245

Relatable Memes For Exhausted Workers Ready to Cash in Their PTO Sooner Than Later

These PTO memes will inspire you to take time off before reaching burnout.
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Bad and horrible annoying boss becomes angry when employee takes vacation and goes off the grid, work, office, family

Entitled Boss Loses It When Vacationing Employee Is Unreachable

Vacation time is precious. Every day that most of us salaried workers toil equals a percentage of a day of freedom. That freedom can be enjoyed in many different ways: a little staycation with your partner, ordering fancy takeout and sleeping in. Or perhaps a beach getaway, sleeping and drinking on the sand, letting the salt water rejuvenate ones body. Whatever the flavor of vacation, there is one important and universal truth for that time: You do not have to work. Most of the time we are acti…
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